Trump Continues Relentless Pressure on Social Media Moguls to Combat Censorship Efforts

2018 08 Google maccomputer

President Trump is calling social media giants to account for censorship, especially against conservative voices. He’s even talking about action to fight it.

It is not clear what President Trump can do to stop big tech’s social media censorship of conservatives, but it’s also clear that he’s not letting up.

Late Wednesday the president tweeted a video showing that while Google promoted President Obama’s State of the Union addresses on its homepage, it has never promoted one of his.

Armed with new research showing Google search results of his administration are overwhelmingly biased, the president has vowed to do something about the pervasive censorship of conservative ideas online.

Trump said, “I think what Google and what others are doing, if you look at what’s going on in Twitter, if you look at what’s going on in Facebook, they better be careful, because you can’t do that to people, you can’t do it.”

And a new poll shows conservatives have already begun to “vote with their feet.” Two-thirds of conservative Facebook users believe they are being censored, and almost one-third have left Facebook or are considering it.

Tuesday, a senior Facebook engineer accused the company of having an intolerant liberal “monoculture” that attacks conservative employees “in mobs.” {eoa}

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