Ted Cruz Connects the Dots With His Latest TV Ad

Ted Cruz

Those who were scratching their heads over the Cruz for President campaign’s latest radio ads in New York, which attacked New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s record, probably saw the immediate connecting of dots with the Cruz crew’s newest TV spot.

The 30-second ad, titled “Great,” focuses on GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s thoughts about de Blasio shortly after he was elected:

“I think he’s a smart guy that knows what’s going on and I think he’s not going to want to destroy New York … He’ll end up being a good mayor, maybe a very good mayor. I think he’s going to want to make New York great.”

The ad also features images of a number of newspaper covers, some of which use “symbol swearing,” that chronicle the mayor’s failures since being elected. It ends with a photo of Trump, wearing his trademark “Make America Great Again” hat with the following phrase superimposed over it:

Perhaps Donald doesn’t know what the word “great” means.

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