Paul Ryan’s Primary Challenger Picks Up a Huge Endorsement

Paul Nehlen

Conservative anger with U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has officially boiled over with the latest endorsement for his primary challenger.

Paul Nehlen, a Wisconsin businessman, picked up the endorsement Monday of ConservativeHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie. In a commentary written for his website, the “Funding Father of Modern Conservatism” wrote that if the defeat of one member of Congress could “change the entire dynamic in Washington, and restore America to constitutional government,” it would be Ryan.

He wrote:

Paul Ryan’s agenda, particularly since he became Speaker, has been one of open borders, expansion of visa programs and crony international trade deals—all policies that undermine American industries, jobs and the quality of life for American workers. Unsurprisingly, Paul Ryan’s campaign coffers are now overflowing with money from the Wall Street-Washington-Silicon Valley Axis—and other interests that would benefit from a steady stream of cheap, interchangeable labor from wherever they can get it.

Fortunately, the voters in Wisconsin’s First Congressional District have a strong and viable alternative in businessman and entrepreneur Paul Nehlen. Nehlen has mounted a strong grassroots effort to #DumpRyan that has attracted support from across the country and hit thousands of doors in Wisconsin 1.

In his arrogant dismissal of conservative populist concerns about Obama’s secret trade deal, in his outright lies about its provisions and especially in his angry advocacy of establishment Republican corporatism that would continue the destruction of the aspirations of America’s working families, blindly hand President Obama the power to deal away American sovereignty and bypass Congress on a host of issues from expanding immigration to “climate change,” we think, after 18-years, Paul Ryan has disqualified himself from representing the people of Wisconsin Congressional District 1. 

The Wisconsin Primary will be held next Tuesday.

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