
2015 politics MikeHuckabee Waves 2 Reuters

Mike Huckabee Calls for ‘Resistance’ to Legalizing Gay Marriage


Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, a likely contender for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination and a leading voice for Christian conservatives, said Thursday (Jan. 22) that governors and state legislators should consider ways to resist a Supreme Court decision that recognized same-sex marriage as a constitutional right. Huckabee likened such a ruling to the notorious Dred Scott […]

2015 politics JebBush WallStreetJournalBackground Reuters

Would America Elect Another President Bush?


Jeb Bush is actively exploring a run for the U.S. presidency in 2016, making the former Florida governor with the famous political last name one of the first major Republicans to formally move toward a possible candidacy.   Bush, 61, said on Tuesday he will establish a political action committee in January, a step that an aide

2015 politics BarackObama WhiteHouse Reuters

Jeb Bush Urges Republicans to Do More Than Oppose Obama


Republicans need to take advantage of their majority in the U.S. Congress to pass bills rather than simply opposing Democratic President Barack Obama’s priorities, potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush said.   Republicans last month trounced Democrats to win control of the Senate and extend their majority in the House, as exit polls showed Americans were

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Could Face 99 Years in Prison for ‘Abuse of Power’


Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016, said on Saturday an indictment against him for abuse of power was a political move that he intends to fight. Perry was indicted on Friday by a grand jury in Travis County, a Democratic stronghold in the heavily Republican state, on two counts of abuse of power and

What Made Texas Gov. Rick Perry Get Baptized Again?


Do you remember the Christian prayer rally that filled Houston’s Reliant Stadium? “The Response” made cross-denominational waves, uniting people in prayer in a massive way. So why would its organizer, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, need to be baptized? The Associated Press reports that Perry was baptized last month in Little Rocky Creek near the small

2015 politics ToddStarnes Headshot

Gov. Scott Walker Refuses to Take Down Religious Tweet


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker believes he can do all things through Christ, but an atheist group charges that he cannot do all things through Christ on his official social media platforms. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has demanded Walker remove posts from his official Facebook and Twitter feeds that read “Philippians 4:13.” “I can

Pastors Lay Hands on Rand Paul, Ted Cruz During Prayer Meeting


It was a sight to behold inside a conference ballroom at the downtown Marriott hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, as hundreds of Iowa pastors called out to God and prayed over two U.S. senators, both of whom seem interested in running for president of the United States. Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul came

2015 politics TedCruz FacebookPicture

Yes, Ted Cruz Likely Eligible to Be President


On March 8, reporter Carl Cameron on Special Report on Fox News Channel was surveying potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates. Then he raised Ted Cruz—one of the most brilliant constitutional lawyers ever to serve in the Senate—the new 41-year old Hispanic senator from Texas. Cameron added, “But Cruz was born in Canada and is constitutionally

2015 politics MarcoRubio RandPaul SideBySide

Marco Rubio, Rand Paul Offer Contrasting Visions for Republicans


The Republican Party heard contrasting messages on Thursday about how to recover from last year’s election defeats as two possible contenders for the next presidential campaign in 2016 brandished their conservative credentials. Addressing a high-profile conference of party activists, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio laid out a traditional social conservative agenda and criticized same-sex marriage. Sen.

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