
2020 10 Quirky Preacher Gun

6 Ways Not to Take an Offering


I’ve seen it all when it comes to church offerings. Once when I attended an outdoor service in Nigeria, deacons used wheelbarrows and pickup trucks to collect money because more than 500,000 people were in the audience. Yet I know a pastor in Malawi who collects the equivalent of 80 cents in his offering plate […]

Martin O'Malley

This Democrat Is Already Positioning Himself for 2020


The race for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 has already begun, but don’t expect to hear too much about it for at least a couple more years. Just know that the jockeying for position is now underway. And your new front-runner is the former also-ran of the 2016 Democratic primary: former Maryland Gov. Martin

Paul Ryan

No Surprises in the Wisconsin GOP Primary


Going into Tuesday’s Republican primary, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) faced two different story lines. In one, he was going to win by a landslide—most internal polls gave him about an 80-point lead—and in the other, he was going to make history as the first sitting speaker to ever lose an election. At

Paul Nehlen

Paul Ryan’s Primary Challenger Picks Up a Huge Endorsement


Conservative anger with U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has officially boiled over with the latest endorsement for his primary challenger. Paul Nehlen, a Wisconsin businessman, picked up the endorsement Monday of ConservativeHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie. In a commentary written for his website, the “Funding Father of Modern Conservatism” wrote that if the

Donald Trump

Prominent Theologian: Vote for Trump


Wayne Grudem, as an evangelical theologian and seminary professor and founder of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, has been teaching about Christian ethics for nearly 40 years. So, when a number of his evangelical friends told him they could not “in good conscience” vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, he decided to

David Duke

David Duke Announces He Will Run for Office


Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke has announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate in Louisiana as a Republican. Last week, he hinted strongly that he would be making an announcement about running for office. But at the time, he suggested he would be running against his local congressman, U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise. In announcing

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz to National Review: 2016 Campaign was ‘Flawless’


According to a new report Thursday by National Review, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has chalked up his Republican presidential primary loss to the unexpected rise of Donald Trump, who accepted the GOP’s nomination that evening. Because of this, Cruz sees no need for a course correction. In an interview with NRO on the eve of

Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson Has Some Advice for Ted Cruz


The last time “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson delivered a message to U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), it was to offer his unwavering support. Now that the Republican presidential primary is over, he’s switched his allegiance to GOP nominee Donald Trump. The small business owner turned reality television star said Thursday he thinks the Texas

Ted Cruz

Did Ted Cruz Torpedo His Own Legacy?


Wednesday night in Cleveland likely didn’t play out at all like it did when U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was playing it in his head while he and his staffers planned it out. Refusing to endorse Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, he found himself booed off the stage. While the move wasn’t unexpected, the optics

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Crosses the Finish Line


Thirteen months after launching an improbable bid for the White House, Donald Trump captured the 2016 Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday, having vanquished 16 party rivals, warred with much of its establishment and provoked controversy at every turn. His eldest child, Donald Trump Jr., announced the support of New York, their home state, during a

Paul Ryan

New Poll: Paul Ryan Is in Trouble


Prior to the Independence Day holiday weekend, the Republican primary in Wisconsin’s First Congressional District was a tale of two districts. In one, based entirely on media polling in the district, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was seeing nearly 70-percent support from Republicans. In the other, based entirely on anecdotal on-the-ground reports from the

Bernie Sanders

Is Bernie Sanders Planning His Own Convention Coup?


Vice President Joe Biden made headlines Thursday night when an interview he conducted, which isn’t supposed to air until Sunday, was leaked, suggesting he believes U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) would soon endorse former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. “I’ve talked to Bernie, Bernie’s going to endorse her, this is going to work out,” Biden

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