Press Releases

2015 politics InGodWeTrustReaffirming CongressmanRandyForbesWebsite FullOutline

This is How Christians Rededicated America to God on Independence Day

Press Releases

On Fourth of July, Americans across the country spent the three-day weekend rededicating the nation to God. The massive rededication began — and became necessary — on June 26th with the Supreme Court’s decision against traditional marriage. “We are seeing a revival as people want to do God’s will and turn away from homosexual and […]

2015 politics MikeHuckabee 2016PresidentialAnnouncement

Mike Huckabee: ‘I Will Never Apologize for my Faith’

Press Releases

We’ve abandoned the building blocks of civilization. Life, marriage and family issues aren’t bargaining chips or political considerations. They are moral issues. I will never apologize for my faith, my convictions, or my values. Period. Life begins at conception. This isn’t just a Biblical view — it’s affirmed by modern science and every unique human DNA

2015 politics JohnKasichSignsBill LittleGirl 618px OhioDOTGovWebsite

John Kasich Signs a Pro-Life Budget

Press Releases

On Tuesday, pro-life Governor John Kasich signed the State of Ohio’s 2016-2017 Budget, which provides funding for Ohio’s over 140 pregnancy centers. These life-affirming centers provide material assistance to pregnant women in need, as well as parenting classes for mothers and fathers alike, a service that many centers consider a core element in empowering families.

2015 politics RandyForbes 618px HouseDotGov

The Congressional Prayer Caucus Wants to Hear from You

Press Releases

Congressman Randy Forbes, the founder and co-chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, announced a new initiative on Tuesday, June 23rd. The purpose of the initiative, called #FaithitForward, is to unite the country around celebrating the positive impact of faith in local communities. Members of Congress across the nation are participating by highlighting inspiring stores of

2015 politics Reuters Rick Santorum Podium

Rick Santorum is a Fighter for Conservative Values

Press Releases

As a husband and father, Rick Santorum knows the importance of protecting and providing for your family. He believes that at the core of the American experience is the family, and that without strong families, we cannot have a strong and vibrant nation. During his time in elected office, Rick Santorum fought for the preservation

2015 politics TedCruz 2014 InDefenseOfChristiansArabPersecutionBoos CBNNews

Ted Cruz: My First 100 Days in Office

Press Releases

Earlier this month, Ted spoke with The Washington Post‘s James Hohmann about what the first 100 days of a Cruz administration might look like — and we hope you’re as excited for them as we are! With regard to the current administration, Ted noted, “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen.

2015 politics RandPaul 2016Announcement Reuters

Rand Paul: I Believe in the Sanctity of Life

Press Releases

I strongly believe in the sanctity of life. I believe that life begins at conception and that abortion takes the life of an innocent human being. Under the 14th Amendment, it is the government’s duty to protect life as defined in our Constitution. As a physician, one of the first things we learn is to

2015 politics BarackObama HandsOut Reuters

Is Obama Delusional or Dishonest?

Press Releases

Last week, President Obama claimed to have “restored the United States as the most respected country on earth.” Is Obama delusional or disingenuous? Not since World War II have we seen so much chaos and confusion around the globe. The Islamic State is now larger than the state of Florida. China ignores us, the Kremlin

2015 politics RandPaul DCPressConference MicheleBachmannAndTedCruzLookOn Facebook

Rand Paul: Immigration Reform Is About People, Not Just Policies

Press Releases

Following Tuesday’s Senate vote to debate immigration reform, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., offered the keynote address on the topic at a town hall and prayer rally in Washington, D.C., hosted by the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) and the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. More than 130 Hispanic-American Christian pastors and leaders from the D.C. area

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