Press Releases

2015 politics KentuckyDeptOfJuvenileJustice

Kentucky Bars Pastor from Prison Ministry for Believing Homosexuality is a Sin

Press Releases

The Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) revoked the volunteer credentials of an ordained minister because he was unable to sign a statement promising to refrain from ever telling juvenile inmates that homosexuality was “sinful.” In a letter to the commissioner, Liberty Counsel has given the Department until July 31 to reinstate David Wells’ volunteer […]

2015 politics DemocraticPartyLogo PublicDomain 618pc

Democrats for Life: Defund Planned Parenthood

Press Releases

Democrats For Life of America (DFLA) urges Congress to reallocate federal funding for women’s health services from Planned Parenthood to Community Health Centers (CHCs), which are more accessible and that do more expansive preventative care, including mammograms. Planned Parenthood, a profitable $1.2 billion corporation, is under investigation for selling body parts, including hearts, lungs and livers, of aborted children. “Whether

2015 politics RandPaul Sunglasses CapitolBackground Reuters

Rand Paul: I Will Lead the Fight to Defund Planned Parenthood

Press Releases

In the wake of an explosive video showing a national leader discussing harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies, Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY, has announced his plan to defeat and defund Planned Parenthood. This week, Sen. Paul will seek to strip Planned Parenthood of its taxpayer funding, which totaled roughly $528.4 million dollars in 2013-2014. Sen. Paul

2015 politics FBI ManWantsedForChildPorn Reuters

Congress to be Educated on the Harms of Pornography

Press Releases

There is growing momentum among groups dedicated to combating the multi-faceted problem of sexual exploitation. As the movement gains strength, anti-trafficking groups, anti-sexual violence organizations, medical professionals, activists, and more, will come together for a symposium on the role pornography has in fueling other forms of sexual exploitation. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCSE)

2015 politics Oklahoma10CommandmentsMonument Vidcap

Oklahoma Supreme Court Declares 10 Commandments Monument Unconstitutional

Press Releases

The Oklahoma Supreme Court issued an opinion in Prescott v. Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission stating that a monument of the Ten Commandments on the Oklahoma capitol grounds is unconstitutional and must be removed. But the fight is not over. Liberty Institute continues to stand beside Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, who filed a petition for rehearing,

2015 politics TedCruz JewishValuesIntlAwards May2015 Reuters

Iran Negotiations are ‘A Disaster’: Ted Cruz

Press Releases

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the following statement regarding the disastrous nuclear deal the Obama administration is trying to make with Iran: “It is time to acknowledge that the Iran talks have been a disaster. Today I am calling upon former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, under whose leadership this bad deal began, and

2015 politics TexasAndUSFlags 618px GovOfTXWebsite

Texas Clerk Refuses to Issue Licenses for Same-Sex ‘Marriages’

Press Releases

Citing the Constitution and natural law, elected clerk for Irion County, Texas, Molly Criner has vowed to stand for natural marriage. Referring to the opinion of five lawyers regarding marriage, Criner said: “To keep my oath to uphold the Constitution, I must reject this ruling that I believe is lawless…I have to stand for the

2015 politics OhioStatehouse OFCCOhioDOTGov

Ohio Pastors Protection Act Introduced

Press Releases

Ohio State Representative Nino Vitale, R-Urbana, is introducing the Ohio Pastors Protection Act.  This bill is to protect Ohio pastors and churches from being forced to participate in marriages not aligned with their beliefs, and to protect church property. Thank you to these Ohio Representatives who are standing for clergy conscience rights, and have signed

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