Judicial Watch: We Have More Huma Emails

Huma Abedin

The government watchdog group Judicial Watch released nearly 900 pages of new State Department documents Tuesday that included a new batch of previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was sent additional classified information through her private unsecure email server by longtime aide Huma Abedin.

The new “Huma emails” also include four instances in which Clinton’s then-scheduler Lona Valmoro forwarded Clinton’s detailed daily schedules—which were highly classified because of her position in government and in the line of presidential succession—being sent to top Clinton Foundation officials, also at unsecured email addresses. They also included 29 email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to at least 317 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department, which “as far as she knew,” were all of her government emails—another contradiction with her sworn testimony to Congress.

The following classified information was sent through the clintonemail.com account, according to those emails:

  • In a December 21, 2009, email, Clinton top national security and foreign policy staffer Jake Sullivan forwarded an email to Clinton’s unsecured email account containing classified information heavily redacted under FOIA exemption B1.4(D)—”Information specifically authorized by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy … Foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources.” Clinton then forwarded the email, concerning the climate change accord, from her unsecured email account to Abedin’s unsecured email account with the message, “Pls print.”
  • And, on December 24, 2009, Clinton sent an unsecured email from [email protected] to then-Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson. The classified email, asking Carson to “Pls review the memcon of my call w [French] FM Kouchener [Redacted].” Information in this message was blacked out using FOIA exemptions B1.4(B)—”Foreign government information” and (D).

The Abedin emails contain information sent from Clinton’s unsecured [email protected] account in which she reminds an aide that she is to have a talk with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on “cybersecurity” and a reference to a “HRC Support Network.” They also include an exchange from five days after the 2010 Haitian earthquake in which former Bill Clinton aide Justin Cooper emails Hillary Clinton’s then-deputy chiefs of staff, Jake Sullivan and Abedin, to ask if they can do a conference call to discuss Haiti, which included Clinton Foundation officials Laura Graham and Doug Band—which provides direct evidence corroborating Peter Schweizer’s account in “Clinton Cash.”

“These new emails show Hillary Clinton is a serial violator of various laws concerning the handling of classified material,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The initial investigation into this criminal matter was compromised by Barack Obama’s corrupted FBI and Justice Department. This new information should spur new federal criminal investigations” {eoa}.

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