Jonathan Cahn, Bestselling Author of ‘The Harbinger II: The Return’: God Is Warning Us About the State of Our Nation

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Jonathan Cahn has written a number of bestsellers about biblical prophecy and power, including his latest, The Harbinger II: The Return, which has brought millions of new fans all over the world to his work and to his messages. Cahn’s new and previous books have appeared prominently on many bestseller lists, including the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Bestsellers list.

Today, Cahn has urgent concerns about the grave challenges America is facing—and he believes the only path to salvation is a return to God. But he says it must happen immediately, that the time is now.

In his earlier book, The Harbinger, Cahn posed the alarming question: Is America headed for judgment at a time of great “shakings”? His sequel, The Harbinger II: The Return, unveils the prophetic answers to this and other concerns during a period when so many Americans are dealing with the coronavirus, job uncertainty, weather emergencies, political upheaval and civil strife—and who want safety, security and hope above all.

In The Harbinger, Cahn wrote that the first warning sign for America was an enemy strike on our own land—which occurred, tragically, on Sept. 11, 2001. The book shared other harbingers of judgment. It even revealed the exact date of the stock market collapse of 2008—and more.

Now, The Harbinger II: The Return reveals that the mystery begun on 9/11 is still unfolding today. America’s mainstream culture has spurned God and His Word, Cahn believes. In response, the faithful have created more prayer and repentance movements. But is the ancient mystery of national judgment coming true on our shores at this moment? Is it behind the “shakings” that have hurt America so badly?

For years Cahn held off on writing a sequel to The Harbinger, believing it was not yet the time.

His latest book released in Sept. 2020, says Cahn, “could not be revealed until the right time. I’ve been holding back from sharing this story for eight years. I knew that 2020 would be a year of great ‘shaking.’ I shared publicly at the start of last year that the year 2020 would be a year of dark events—that it would be a resuming of the mystery of The Harbinger. And I knew I was to write the sequel to warn those who would hear.”

He adds, “The book opens up a prophetic revelation of America’s future. It contains mysteries that have never before been revealed, from the beginning, to what has happened since and up to this day. It’s truly for such a time as this.”

These two Harbinger books, Cahn also explains, not only uncover the biblical template of judgment and sound an alarm about the perilous state of our nation—they share hope: “For the one who doesn’t know the Lord, the hope is salvation. For America, the call is to return. And for those who do know the Lord, it is the hope to come to God in humility, prayer, intercession and repentance, and to rise to the call of being lights to the world, even lights to America. The hope is revival.”

With the release of The Harbinger II: The Return in September 2020, millions of new fans have embraced Jonathan Cahn’s powerful prophecies. His latest book, available for purchase online and everywhere, debuted at No. 4 on the New York Times bestsellers list, made the Amazon Bestsellers Top 10 lists of all books in the world and took three of the top 10 spots on Amazon’s Christian Books for print, Kindle and audio—each charting as a Top 10 Bestseller, including No. 1 Christian Prophecy and No. 1 Christian Prophecies. The Harbinger II also catapulted Cahn’s earlier books back onto bestseller lists, including The Oracle, The Paradigm and The Harbinger.

The author has made multiple media appearances, including in the New York Times, on CBN’s 700 Club, TBN’s Praise and Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, among many others.

Jonathan Cahn’s first book, The Harbinger, became an instant New York Times bestseller when it was published in 2012. His next five books were also New York Times bestsellers: The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries, The Paradigm and The Oracle, as well as The Harbinger II: The Return. Along with Billy Graham and Keith Greene, Cahn was named one of the top 40 spiritual leaders of the past 40 years who has radically impacted the world.

Cahn has spoken on Capitol Hill and at the United Nations. He leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism and compassion projects. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles, and people of all backgrounds, in Wayne, New Jersey. His ministry can be contacted at and on Jonathan Cahn Facebook.

For more information about The Harbinger II, visit The Harbinger II: The Return is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House. {eoa}

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