Pastor Pushes Anti-Gingrich Hip-Hop Satire to Iowa Voters

Newt Gingrich

A pastor from Sioux City, Iowa, prominent in the defeat of three Iowa Supreme Court justices last year for their same-sex marriage ruling, announced today that a hip-hop video calling Newt Gingrich “the GOP’s Kim Kardashian for his many infidelities on marriage—gay, straight and his own” would be delivered, via text messaging starting Thursday, to every registered Republican or non-aligned Iowa voter with a cell phone on record.

The rhythmic, satirical three-minute video rips Gingrich for his three marriages—two to former mistresses, one of which was his subordinate in the U.S. House and 23 years his junior: current wife and would-be First Lady, Callista Gingrich.

The video also blasts the former House Speaker for dodging the Iowa Family Leader’s Marriage Vow—a sweeping political pledge document that addresses adultery and fidelity, gay unions and health issues, fatherless children, U.S. monogamy and Islamist polygamy—which has been signed by three 2012 presidential hopefuls: U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, Texas Governor Rick Perry and former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum.

The video’s star is Molotov Mitchell, whom Cary K. Gordon, president of PeaceMakers Institute and pastor of Sioux City’s Cornerstone Church, calls “the guerilla warrior of Judeo-Christian political commentary.” Mitchell is an edgy independent filmmaker whose Illuminati Pictures delivers something akin to an animated political cartoon weekly at WorldNetDaily.

Gordon also announced today that 832,897 text messages went out to Iowans last week bearing a link to his own video endorsement of a proposed GOP ticket, less than a month from the Iowa Republican Presidential Caucuses on Jan. 3.

In that video, Gordon called for a marriage of sorts, urging Iowans to rally for a merger between the Santorum and Bachmann campaigns. Gordon wants Santorum to name Bachmann as his running mate now, for the event Iowans launch him to the GOP nomination, in exchange for Bachmann’s merger of her campaign with his.

“Michele and the two Ricks—Santorum and Perry—have each been polling in single digits for one reason: They’re dividing conservative Iowa voters who delivered Mike Huckabee his upset victory here in 2008,” Gordon says. “If Santorum and Bachmann can make a deal now for a ticket—many Iowa conservatives don’t care who’s on top—and especially if Rick Perry would be willing to somehow join such a unity effort, we could easily have a Jan. 3 ‘Rickaboom and Bachaboom’ just as loud as the ‘Huckaboom’ of 2008.”

Santorum and Bachmann, Gordon says, have both pledged to reinstate the military’s longstanding “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy against open homosexuality, reversed earlier this year by President Obama. “Rick and Michele would make a great GOP match, and would defend Judeo-Christian monogamy, while I think it’s quite clear Gingrich simply cannot be trusted with the institution of marriage in any sense,” Gordon says. “I think the 2010 Esquire interview with Newt’s second ex-wife and former mistress was very troubling.”

In his endorsement video, which popped up on iPhones, Android-powered phones and mobile devices last weekend, Gordon emphatically rejects Iowa’s 2012 front-runners.

“The first two, Gingrich and Ron Paul, have refused to sign all pledges against gay marriage, while third-place polling Mitt Romney went out of his way as Massachusetts governor to sign marriage licenses for homosexual couples,” Gordon says.

“Romney wasn’t complying with the law at that point. He was making law for same-sex marriage. He also issued a 2004 governor’s ‘Gay Youth Pride’ proclamation. Any Iowa pastor who fails to warn his flock about Gingrich and Romney especially, will be abdicating moral leadership in the most important election of our generation.”

Gordon won national attention last year for “Project Jeremiah,” a statewide campaign involving a controversial letter he sent to over 1,000 Iowa churches. It called for the removal of the three Iowa State Supreme Court Justices for their abuse of judicial authority in imposing same-sex marriage upon Iowans, while promising pro-bono legal defense for any Iowa church harassed by the IRS for exercising their rights to free speech in the pulpit.

Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State in Washington, D.C., called Gordon’s actions one of the most outrageous attempts to politicize a church he has ever seen. The Iowa Caucuses endorsement of the Family Leader and its president, 2010 GOP gubernatorial candidate Bob Vander Plaats, a crucial ally of Gordon’s in the defeat of the justices, is still pending. So too is that of influential U.S. Rep. Steve King, Congressman for the 5th District.

During his recorded interview, Gordon praised Santorum for championing a Personhood Amendment to the Constitution, something the pastor said was necessary if Americans wished to stop the barbaric evil of abortion once and for all. Says Gordon, “Rick Santorum is committed to rescuing this nation from economic disaster, and that’s good news for everyone concerned about their families.”

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