

Christian Groups Lobby to Protect Traditional Marriage


Christians nationwide are mobilizing to oppose gay marriage as a landmark trial under way in California seeks to determine whether limiting marriage to one man and one woman is constitutional. The federal trial, which opened in San Francisco Monday, will decide the constitutionality of Proposition 8, a voter-passed amendment that banned gay marriage in California. […]


Several Pro-Life Groups Decry ‘Historic’ Health Reform Bill


Several pro-life groups responded to the Senate’s passage of landmark health care reform legislation Thursday morning with calls for more restrictive abortion language in the final measure. President Obama called the vote “historic” and said it brings the nation “toward the end of nearly a century-long struggle to reform America’s health care system.” If the


Pro-Life Democrats Urged to Oppose Senate Health Bill


Pro-life leaders are calling on Sen. Ben Nelson and other pro-life Democrats to reject the Senate’s health care bill if no revisions are made to exclude abortion funding. In a 54-45 vote Tuesday, the Senate rejected an amendment Nelson introduced that would have prevented women who used government subsidies to purchase health insurance from buying


D.C. Elections Board Denies Petition for Marriage Vote


The District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics today rejected a petition for a citizens’ initiative seeking to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The Stand4MarriageDC Coalition in September filed the Marriage Initiative of 2009, which would have allowed traditional marriage supporters to gather signatures to get an initiative


Christian Conservatives See Wins at Polls


Christian conservatives saw several victories during Tuesday’s election, including the repeal of Maine’s gay marriage law. Republican Chris Christie won a close governor’s race in Democratic-leaning New Jersey, ousting incumbent Jon Corzine, while Bob McDonnell emerged a clear winner in Virginia’s gubernatorial race, defeating Democrat Creigh Deeds. Both Republican candidates are pro-life and support traditional


Christian Conservatives Eye Tuesday Election


Conservative Christians are keeping a close eye on Tuesday’s election, supporting pro-life gubernatorial candidates and advocating for ballot initiatives to affirm traditional marriage in Maine and Washington state.  Voters in Maine will decide today whether to repeal a gay marriage law passed by the legislature in May. Historically, traditional marriage has been upheld when put


COGIC Endorses Health Reform Bill


The nation’s largest Pentecostal denomination announced its support for President Obama’s health reform plan and called on the faith community to “set a moral example” by supporting the president’s efforts to address the issue. In a statement released Thursday, Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr. said his 6 million-member


Conservative Leaders to Gather for Values Voters Summit


More than 40 conservative and Christian leaders will gather in Washington, D.C., this weekend for the fourth annual Values Voters Summit. The event, which begins Friday and can be viewed live online, will include a straw poll of 10 possible 2012 presidential candidates, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Louisiana


Lawmakers Back School Officials on Trial for Luncheon Prayer


Sixty members of Congress have joined a chorus of Christians backing a Florida high school principal and athletic director who are due to go on trial this week for praying during a school-sponsored luncheon. Members of the bipartisan Congressional Prayer Caucus have said they are standing with Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and Athletic


Obama Says Health Plan Critics ‘Bearing False Witness’


President Obama on Wednesday accused opponents of his controversial health reform plan of “bearing false witness” during a conference call with faith leaders who represent what is being called the “religious left.” During the 10-minute call, organized by the left-leaning Faith in Public Life as part of a 40-day campaign to promote health care reform,


Huckabee Says Two-State Solution ‘Unrealistic’


Former Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said it is “virtually unrealistic” for a Palestinian state to be placed “in the middle of the Jewish homeland” and that Israel should be able to build settlements where it wants, according to the Associated Press (AP). While on a three-day tour of Israel this week, the former Arkansas

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Many Christian Leaders Skeptical of Newly Confirmed Sotomayor


In a 68-31 vote that was split largely down party lines, the Senate today confirmed Sonia Sotomayor as the nation’s next Supreme Court justice, making her the first Hispanic ever to sit on the high court. The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, one of the nation’s largest networks of

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