What Will Be the Fruit of the NFL Protests?

The Dallas Cowboys players, coaches staff and owner Jerry Jones take a knee prior to the National Anthem.

What a privilege it is to live in a country where people can protest issues with which we disagree. In certain countries, if you protested the national anthem, you could be imprisoned or worse. The freedom of speech we enjoy in America is amazing!  NFL players this weekend participated—or didn’t participate—in the national anthem protest in all sorts of ways to make a statement.

Some players were protesting racism in general, some were protesting our president, some were standing in unity with their teammates, some were protesting police actions and some have taken their protests as far as flashing the black power sign after tackling white players. All of this fueled by comments made by our president and magnified by the press.

There is a very fine line here, and we. as followers of Jesus Christ. need to be careful with our words and actions. The NFL is fortunate that it operates in the United States. Despite our problems, this is a great country to live in, and to be able to make millions, as the NFL players do, and to be able to speak what is on their minds. No doubt, there are injustices, and racism is still alive. Yet, what impact will the NFL players’ protests have across the country?  

I believe this is an important question. When there is solely a focus on the symbolic without effort toward a solution, sinful human nature will always take control. Broken, hurt individuals will take the opportunity to express their anger in dangerous ways. People will view the symbolic through their pain; justifying the reasons for them to lash out. There is a sense of lawlessness coming against our nation, bringing into question all forms of authority, from our president to our local police.

My concern is that the level of anger and division in our country will continue to ratchet up, creating more lawlessness. Already, high school football players are protesting before their games. Little League players are even protesting! This poses a dangerous opportunity for rebellion to reign; creating potential problems for principals and administrators to maintain order in schools. This will be a great threat for years to come as impressionable teens, who after being given attention through their protests, will see protesting as an avenue to voice their opinions for years to come.

I have seen prophecies stating that the next 90 days are critical for America. I have the same sense. We are fighting a spiritual battle. Intercessors, we must pray with intensity in these days ahead! Click here to download your free resource to effectively pray for those in authority.

  1. Pray for focus on solutions, not just the symbolic: “And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9).
  2. Pray for peace among Americans: “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
  3. Pray for those in authority: Roger Goodell (NFL Commissioner), NFL coaches, your local high school football coach, your local principal—to have wisdom to know how to handle protests. Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Prov. 11:14). {eoa}

Reverend David Kubal is the president and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA). IFA equips and supports praying Christians to shape the nation’s history through prayer. As the president, his vision is to mobilize a multi-generational army of intercessors. To learn more, visit IFApray.org.

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