This Is How We Can Thwart the Left’s Plan to Deconstruct America


It was just announced that the Obama administration plans to bring thousands more Syrian refugees into the country next year. This raises the very serious question of why this administration is ignoring the thousands of suffering Christian refugees in the Middle East and in parts of Africa.

Why is the Obama/Clinton administration so dead-set on bringing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees into this country while thumbing its nose at the thousands of Christian refugees who are living under persecution, pain and in constant fear for their lives?

Eighty-two percent of Iraqi Christians have fled their homes or been massacred. Sixty-six per cent of Syrian Christians have been devastated. The suffering has been horrendous with crucifixions, beheadings, rapes and homelessness. But who cares? Certainly not the Obama administration or Hillary Clinton.

Too Many Christians in America?

When 27 Iraqi Christians escaped the genocide in their homeland and entered the U.S. via Mexico, they thought they had finally found a safe haven. They were sadly disappointed and shocked when the Obama/Clinton administration rejected their request for political asylum and ordered them deported. 

They were accused of crossing the border with falsified documents. Even if true, it seems like a flimsy excuse in light of how this administration has turned a blind eye to sanctuary cities and so much immigration illegality.

It seems obvious that the Obama/Clinton administration believes that there are already too many Christians in America. How else are we to interpret their actions? How else are we to interpret their choice to bring in tens of thousands of Muslim refugees and ignore the suffering Christians of the Middle East? The technical reasons given ring very hollow.

Make no mistake about it—this is not about compassion on their part. This is about social engineering. This is about changing the religious landscape of America. This is about neutralizing Christianity in America. This is about deconstructing the America we have known.

When the Left uses words like “diversity,” multiculturalism” and “religious pluralism,” they are code words for “there are too many Christians in America,” especially the kind who take the Bible and their faith seriously. In the Left’s deplorable way of thinking, such people belong in Hillary’s “basket of deplorables.”

A saying of the Left is, “never waste a good crisis,” and they are certainly making the most of the refugee crisis in the Middle East to further their leftist vision for America. Bill O’Reilly got it right when on a recent broadcast of The Factor, he said:

The radical left immigration vision would profoundly change all of America’s traditions—all of them. And that’s what the left wants. Because that ideology sees the American Judeo-Christian tradition as oppressive, exploitive and a white-privileged legacy. That’s what’s truly going on. And if Americans don’t wise up quickly, the left wing vision of immigration may very well become a reality.

The Plans of Man Can Be Thwarted

Nonetheless, I believe the tables can be turned. Job 5:13 says of God, He catches the wise in their own craftiness, and the scheme of the shrewd is swiftly stopped (MEV). Instead of Christianity being diminished and the Muslim population increased, why cannot this refugee program be turned into a mass movement of Muslims to Jesus Christ.

Such an endeavor is impossible with men, but not with God. Since such a movement can only come from God, it must begin with fervent prayer and lead to Spirit-led appropriate action.

How to Pray

Pray for another Great Awakening in our land. It will resolve so many issues.

Pray for the Muslim refugees that they will come to know Christ, and then reach out to them in Christian kindness when you have opportunity.

Pray for the suffering Christians in the Middle East and Africa who are being ignored by our government. Pray that God will raise up deliverance for them and bring a return of peace to their lives and homeland.

Pray for God’s will to be done in the upcoming election, and then get out and vote.

He Discovered the Key to America’s Greatness

Remember that the ultimate answer for America’s ills will not come from the White House, but from God’s house, as an early unknown visitor to America discovered.

If, as some have thought, this visitor was Alexis de Tocqueville, then it was 1831 and on the heels of the Second Great Awakening. This visitor, whoever he may have been, was searching for the reasons for America’s rapid rise to affluence and power among the nations of the Earth.

He recounted how he sought for the secret of America’s greatness in her form of government, her educational system, her vast commerce, and so on. Instead, he found it in something else—something astounding. He wrote:

“Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great” (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 178).

The Way Forward

Pray that God will awaken the churches of America! Pray that her pulpits will once again “flame with righteousness.” Read my book, Pilgrims and Patriots, that documents how America was birthed out of prayer and a great spiritual awakening. A nation birthed in prayer and spiritual awakening can only be sustained by prayer and spiritual awakening. There are no substitutes.

Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt is a Bible teacher, author, historian, and ordained minister. His books are available from Amazon and from his website where you can also read of his vision for another Great Awakening in America and around the world. Go to

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