Franklin Graham Says ‘4 More Years’ for President Trump

images Graham

“The election isn’t over,” evangelist Franklin Graham says. “This is going to have to go to the courts.”

Graham asks people to continue to pray for President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the outcome of the election.

“So much hangs in the balance for our nation,” he says. “My prayer is that we will have four more years of leadership that defends religious freedom, supports law and order, and is the most pro-life administration ever. This is not the time to give up or to stop asking for God’s help and mercy on this country. I hope that followers of the Lord Jesus Christ will join me in praying.”

Launching Lawsuits

Sidney Powell, former public prosecutor and current lawyer for Gen. Michael Flynn, and Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney have revealed stunning news that a powerful supercomputer known as “The Hammer” has been combined with a software system called “Scorecard” to alter 3% of the votes when they are sent from local ballot offices to central counting systems.

The Hammer was devised after 9/11 to help identify terrorists overseas. Scorecard was developed by government contractor Dennis Montgomery and has now been combined with the supercomputer.

According to Montgomery, the technology has been used in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona to “harvest” votes, and it is imperative for citizens to stand up for the blatant attempt to overthrow an election dramatically won by President Trump. The victory has been systematically overthrown by the fraudulent harvest of mail-in votes.

It is believed the technology altered the election outcome. The legal team, led by Mayor Rudy Giuliani, announced Sunday legal restoration lawsuits are being launched in 10 states.

More questions on the integrity of the election are being raised based on the 4 a.m. sudden appearance of hundreds of thousands of ballots in Pennsylvania, exactly as the president predicted; questionable votes in Nevada; a recount ordered for Georgia and multiple direct testimony of those involved in the election process who witnessed rampant fraud and cheating.

Eric Trump, speaking in Philadelphia with Corie Lewandowski, Pam Bondi and Rudy Giuliani, said, “This is massive fraud. We will not stand here doing nothing.”

Georgia Rep. Vernon Jones, in an emergency press conference in Atlanta, Georgia, with former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue and Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, announced a series of suits nationwide to certify the massive election night victory of President Trump, who won nearly 40% of the Latino vote, nearly 20% of the Black vote and had a massive win in direct contrast to the rampant polls shown to be corrupt attempts to suppress the vote.

Bestselling author of God, Trump and COVID-19 Stephen Strang said, “I give honor to God for answering our prayers to give us a leader like Donald Trump.”

Franklin Graham appeals to believers to continue to pray and stand for the most pro-life president in history, the president who moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, appointed three Supreme Court justices and defends religious freedom both in America and around the world.

He said, “four more years,” as believers are asked to pause, pray and do all they can to thank God for such a wonderful pre-cheating victory and do all they can to have the back of the president who had theirs.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9).

“Four more years” should be the refrain of those who both privately and publicly thank God for the amazing miracle of the reelection of President Trump until his reelection is formally certified.

For information on the continuation of public prayer events supporting the president, please contact [email protected]. {eoa}

Amir George is the author of Liberating Iraq and directs The World Helpline at

People Needed: Capitol Hill Daily Prayer 7:30 a.m./12 p.m., Hart Senate Office Building, Constitution Ave./Supreme Court entrance.

Even if you can’t come, please pause to pray at 7:30/12 and let us know at[email protected].

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