Dan Celia: Markets Rise in Response to Progress Made Toward Continued Trump Administration

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As the world stepped into December Tuesday, financial markets went up. Nationally syndicated host and biblical investing authority Dan Celia cites the spike in progress made in keeping President Donald J. Trump in the White House for four more years.

Party-run media has reported the markets up because Wall Street was pleased with what Joe Biden had done in putting his economic team together.

“You’re kidding, right?” asked Celia. “If the markets were up for anything that has to do with politics, it was more than likely what’s been going on in Arizona and Michigan with hearings. As more and more evidence comes out, Wall Street may be thinking, Hey, it looks like President Trump could in fact be president for another four years.

The hearings have included testimony by poll-watchers, computer experts and others. They include first-person accounts of vote and technology tampering.

In addition to political findings, Cyber Monday numbers are coming out at $10.8 billion.

“It’s the biggest U.S. e-commerce day ever,” Celia said. “People are spending money. There is confidence among consumers. There is not quite as much optimism in business sentiment, primarily because they are still on the sidelines.”

Another report came out saying U.S. and China are spiraling into an alarming power play.

“No, I don’t think so,” Celia said. “There’s no power play going on. There is no power play to be had. Under a Biden administration, China gets all the power. Under a Trump administration, which we will have, China has no power. It’s not a power play. It’s a political play. Who is going to be the president for the next four years? Of course, I’m betting on Trump, and the evidence continues to mount in his favor. A lot of economic data is still to come out, but the first day of December, the last month in the last quarter, was a good start.”

Celia discusses these and other global and economic headlines on his daily, three-hour Financial Issues program, heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide.{eoa}

Read more about Celia, FISM and Financial Issues or visit the FISM website, its Facebook page, on YouTube at Financial Issues With Dan Celia or on Twitter @financialissues; download the FISM app on Google Play or iTunes. {eoa}

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