This Candidate Says Admitting Muslim ‘Migrants’ to America Is No Solution

2015 politics syrianrefugees macedonianborder reuters

In spite of the fact that Muslim terrorists may be posing as Syrian “refugees” to infiltrate Western countries, many politicians and leaders have said that we must admit more of their number into the United States.

But not Ted Cruz.

The Obama administration promised to take between 5,000 and 8,000 such “refugees” late last month. That’s about 1 percent of the half-million to 800,000 refugees German Prime Minister Angela Merkel has said it would welcome. The International Rescue Committee responded by lecturing Americans that its offer “can only be a first step.” Church World Service agreed that Americans’ response had been “disappointing” and demanded our nation’s Middle Eastern Muslim population expand by at least 100,000.

So, Obama dutifully bowed. Peter Boogaard, Obama’s National Security Council spokesman, said Monday, “The administration is actively considering a range of approaches to be more responsive to the global refugee crisis, including with regard to refugee resettlement.”

Cruz thinks that’s a mistake.

“In terms of settling the migrants, if the ultimate goal is to return them to their homes—which I believe it should be—it doesn’t make sense from a logistical or a security standpoint to move large numbers of them to far-off countries like the United States,” he said.

“Our immediate role should be to support our regional allies who are on the front lines through public and private assistance to the international organizations who are best poised to administer aid,” he added.

His words contrast with those of fellow senator and Republican presidential hopeful Lindsey Graham, R-SC, who said admitting more Muslims into the United States is “in our national security interests.”

Since humanitarian and refugee organizations “are overwhelmed,” Graham said it is imperative that Americans import “our fair share.”

Graham did not specify how many Muslim refugees would constitute “our fair share.”

Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio agreed. “We’re a country that has a noble tradition of accepting refugees,” Bush told Fox and Friends today.

Sen. Marco Rubio, Bush’s onetime protege and an advocate of amnesty in the U.S. Senate, agreed, “We’ve always been a country that has been willing to accept people who have been displaced.”

Others seem uncertain. When Bill O’Reilly asked Donald Trump if the United States should accept more refugees, The Donald responded half-heartedly, “I think we have to.”

But he had previously said, “We have to fix our own country. Now, Europe is handling it.”

Cruz rejects notions that America should be guilt-ridden by its imperialism around the globe.

“The blame [for the refugee crisis] should be laid squarely at the door of the vicious, radical Islamism that is tearing communities apart from Libya to Syria, and Iraq, creating the terrible circumstances that are causing the migrants to flee their homes. The failure of the United States has been an unwillingness to name and confront this threat.”

“The regime in Tehran and their proxies may be Shiite and ISIS and its affiliates Sunni, but they are the cause of this problem. They are branches of the same poisonous tree—radical Islamism,” he stated.

Sen. Cruz said the crisis will not end until American foreign policy leaders “recognize the threat from this savage, twisted totalitarian ideology and develop a coherent strategy to combat it.”

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