Report: Ted Cruz Is Eager to Help President Trump Drain the Swamp

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told The Daily Caller in a recent interview that he is ready and eager to help President Donald Trump “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C., and to help the new administration deliver on its promises to the American people.

“People were furious at a lawless administration that ignored the Constitution, that persecuted their political enemies, that went after our religious liberty, our free speech, our second amendment, that refused to fight and defeat radical Islamic terrorism,” he said. “People were furious at an administration that waged war on good decent jobs, that tried to destroy the coal industry, that waged war on the oil and gas industry.

“People want a raise. They want jobs. They want more opportunity. And any Republican that doesn’t get that is asking for revolution. …

“If we settle back into business as usual, grow government more, get fat and happy, cater to special interests and lobbyists, we’ll have pitchforks and torches out in the street and I just may join them.”

Click here to see the video of the entire interview.

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