Report: Planned Parenthood Overcharged States by $132.4M

Abortion Clinic Examination Room

Planned Parenthood’s problems just seem to keep growing by the day.

Directly on the heels of a congressional report that alleges a host of criminal activity by the nation’s largest “provider of abortion services,” a new report has come to light that claims the abortionists have bilked state Medicaid funds out of tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer funds. The Profit No Matter What report was produced by the Charlotte Lozier Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom.

Their research found waste, abuse and potential fraud of American taxpayer dollars by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, its 57 regional affiliates, and other abortion and “family planning” facilities. Newly released federal audits include:

  • “Family planning programs” in California, Texas and Wisconsin, which were overbilled more than $2.5 million
  • Planned Parenthood affiliates in Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma and Wisconsin—the Nebraska audit found a Planned Parenthood affiliate spending federal funds on abortion expenses in violation of federal and state law.

The report states, in part:

Charlotte Lozier Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom’s research strongly suggests that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates are engaged in a pattern of practices designed to maximize their bottom-line revenues through billings to complex, well-funded federal and state programs that are understaffed and rely on the integrity of the provider for program compliance.

A large and growing number of federal and state audits have documented that improper practices by Planned Parenthood and state family planning agencies have already resulted in losses to the American taxpayer of nearly $132.4 million, at a minimum, in Title XIX-Medicaid and other health care funding programs. This figure is supported by a recent U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report estimating that $14.4 billion of federal Medicaid expenditures for fiscal year 2013 were improper payments.

Yet it is troubling that all the audits conducted to date have been relatively superficial; thus far, none have examined more than a small subsection of a provider’s billings. Thus, the total amount of waste is likely many times the documented $132.4 million in overbillings. And with Planned Parenthood’s self-documented millions of dollars of profit, as much as $155.5 million in annual revenue over expenses, we must start to question how much of that excess is due to overbilling.

Click here to read the entire report, which includes local information from all 50 states.

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