Jason Chaffetz: We’re Not Done Yet, Secretary Clinton

U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz

U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has made it clear that even though the 2016 presidential race is now over, the investigations into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are not.

“We have to get to the truth,” he told FOX News Channel’s Tucker Carlson. “It was never about a political targeting of Hillary Clinton.

“She created one of the biggest security breaches in the history of the State Department. We still have tens-of-thousands of documents we still haven’t seen, there’s more than Hillary Clinton involved in this; you have dozens of people within the bowels of the organization.”

During his interview with 60 Minutes that aired Sunday, President-elect Donald Trump was noncommittal about a criminal investigation. He acknowledged that while Clinton did “some very bad things,” he also wasn’t keen on destroying the Clinton family.

Congress may be less inclined to let significant violations of the Espionage Act go unpunished, though. Particularly if state secrets were in any way “sold” to foreign nationals as part of the Clinton Foundation’s “pay-for-play” schemes.

A number of document releases related to Freedom of Information Act lawsuits focused on Clinton’s tenure at the Department of State are still outstanding. And under a new administration, the Department of Justice may “discover” new details that weren’t publicly available under the Obama administration.

It’s more likely Trump’s comments were meant to calm Clinton supporters, many of whom are still protesting and rioting in many parts of the country.

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