Aimee Herd: A Word of Encouragement in the Face of Political Confusion

President Donald Trump

Aimee Herd, editor of Breaking Christian News—an affiliate of Elijah List—wrote Friday that the past week has been “a week of swirling political allegations and accusations by the media against President Donald Trump; to the point of nausea.”

In her article, she wrote that this can be particularly frustrating for Christians who hoped the new Commander in Chief would be given a chance. But, she added, it’s all too easy to throw up our hands and give in to the despair.

Herd wrote, in part:

The fact that our current President differs so greatly from his predecessor concerning matters important to Christians is, I believe, the main reason the ‘powers and principalities’ are trying so desperately to take him down.

James Dobson is right in noting, recently, that both Trump and Pence have been a friend and yes ‘defenders’ of the Church like none before them in those positions. President Trump has also been a champion for the pro-life cause like no other president in America’s history.

On a human level; these are two HUGE reasons that the extremely loud and liberal left is absolutely outraged, and has quite obviously maintained the goal of Trump’s impeachment since he first took the oath on January 20th.

On a spiritual level; these same reasons—coupled with an election that many Believers view as miraculous—have most certainly infuriated the enemy. The confusion that hangs in the air over Washington DC seems almost palpable, streaming into homes across America from our TVs and the internet. But God is not the author of that confusion.

Herd wrote that God gave us very specific, yet also very simple, instructions for times such as these in I Timothy 2:2. Click here to read what she wrote about that, as well as the rest of the article.

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