
FBI Director-designate Christopher Wray

Watch Live: Christopher Wray Goes Before the Senate Judiciary Committee


FBI Director-designate Christopher Wray was scheduled Wednesday to begin his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary at approximately 9:30 a.m. EST. Wray has the support of a number of national law enforcement organizations, including: Bob Bushman, president of the National Narcotic Officers’ Associations Coalition: “Throughout his career, Chris Wray has been a

President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin

US, South Korea, Japan ‘Will Never Accept a Nuclear Armed’ North Korea


Mere hours after giving perhaps the defining speech of his presidency to date, President Donald Trump boarded Air Force One for the short flight from Warsaw to Hamburg for the G20 summit—and immediately proceeded to have his most productive 24 hours on the world stage. Upon arriving in Germany, the president immediately met with Chancellor

President Donald Trump and Polish President Andrzej Duda

Watch Live: President Trump’s Speech in Poland


Due to the six-hour time difference between Washington, D.C., and Warsaw, Poland, Americans were waking up Thursday to President Donald Trump speaking live from the Three Seas Initiative Summit. The Three Seas Initiative was launched last year as a joint Polish-Croatian project aimed at strengthening economic and political cooperation among the nations that border the

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump

ICYMI: President Trump Honored America’s Heroes on the Fourth of July


Tuesday was a day the U.S. celebrated its independence from Great Britain, but President Donald Trump made sure it was also a day in which those who have sacrificed to ensure America remains the “land of the free and the home of the brave” were honored. During a military appreciation picnic, he and First Lady

President Donald Trump

President Trump: ‘We Don’t Want to See God Pushed Out of the Public Square’


President Donald Trump was the keynote speaker Saturday at the first-ever Celebrate Freedom Rally hosted by First Baptist Dallas pastor Rev. Robert Jeffress in Washington, D.C. The event celebrated not only the nation’s independence, but the hard-fought religious liberty victories that have piled up under the new president. The president acknowledged the role evangelical Christians

Vice President Mike Pence

Vice President Pence Gives the Air Force Space Command a Pep Talk


As President Donald Trump was keeping his promise to America’s veterans to improve the quality of the care they receive from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Vice President Mike Pence was addressing our newest generation of heroes with a bit of a pep talk. The nation’s second-in-command visited U.S. Air Force Space Command headquarters at

Capitol Hill National Security Forum

Watch Live: Inaugural Capitol Hill National Security Forum


The Capitol Hill National Security Forum, a first-ever bipartisan event meant to gather national leaders and key stakeholders to address our nation’s security and discuss ideas and policies for improving U.S. defenses at home and abroad, is now under way. The event is being sponsored by U.S. Reps. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md.,

Vice President Mike Pence

Listen Live: Vice President Pence Discusses Making America Safe Again


Vice President Mike Pence is speaking shortly at the Department of Justice’s National Summit on Crime Reduction and Public Safety in Washington, D.C. The obvious topic of discussion will be President Donald Trump’s agenda for making America safe again, a key component of his successful presidential campaign last fall. The video clip above will provide

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