Senator: The Clinton Foundation Is a Money-Laundering Scheme

Tom Cotton

During Tuesday’s nationally syndicated broadcast of The Hugh Hewitt Show, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told the host he was certain someone in the Department of Justice blocked an investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

They were referring to a “blockbuster” Wall Street Journal report in which now-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is quoted as saying to senior DOJ officials, “Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?” The implication being that high-ranking officials were trying to impede an investigation into the foundation.

“We now know there were no fewer than four FBI investigations into the Clintons and their close associates: the foundation, the emails, Abedin and Weiner, and Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia,” Cotton said. “And I suspect that was a very high-ranking Department of Justice political appointee who was carrying water for the Clinton machine and wanted to shut down an investigation into the Clinton Foundation,  which increasingly looks like one of the largest money laundering and influence peddling operations in the world.

“This is why if Hillary Clinton wins this election and they don’t shut down the Clinton Foundation and come clean with all of its past activities, then there’s no telling the kind of corruption that you might see out of the Clinton White House. They did it in the State Department. Of course, they’re going to do it in the White House.”

Cotton said it’s hard to imagine a special prosecutor won’t be appointed to investigate the matter more fully. Earlier in the interview, he addressed the volume of emails the FBI has discovered and what it might mean for the upcoming election—now just six days away.

“That’s a lot of emails,” he said. “But then again, when you use modern searching techniques, you might be able to winnow it pretty quickly. And you know, you’re a lawyer, Hugh. You know how many people you can put on a document review matter, and you would think that even if it’s in the thousands, or tens of thousands, the FBI has enough agents that they could review them pretty quickly.

“A lot of these agents are pretty familiar with the subject material, having investigated the Clinton email server to begin with. Some of them, apparently, have been investigating the Clinton Foundation now for months.

“I suspect what they’ll find is what Director Comey has said he found in the emails from Hillary Clinton’s server and devices, which is that she was extremely careless with the handling of classified information, now so much so that classified information of the United States government may be found on the computer of a man under investigation for underage sex abuse. That’s pretty astonishing for someone who aspires to be our commander-in-chief.”

However, if a “bombshell” is discovered within those emails, he expects FBI Director James Comey would come out with another public statement.

“Well, if they find something that explosive and that cut and dry in such short order, given the precedent that Director Comey has now established from his July press conference to his Congressional testimony to this most recent letter, he may want to consider moving forward with another public statement,” he said. “Frankly, you know, I’m not real sympathetic to the crocodile tears that all these Democrats in the Clinton campaign are shedding.

“Hillary Clinton only has one person to blame for all of this. She is the one that set up that private server. She is the one that used it for classified information. She’s the one that violated U.S. government security in handling materials. She’s the one that always thinks she can get away with it.

“This is not an FBI or a Director Comey problem. This is a Hillary Clinton problem, and this is why so many Americans view her as untrustworthy and dishonest.”

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