Here’s Who Sean Hannity Is Going to Blame if Donald Trump Loses

Sean Hannity

Sean Hannity isn’t making a list, and he’s not checking it twice to find out who was naughty or nice. He already knows.

And during Thursday’s broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, the FOX News Channel anchor made it clear what he intends to do with that “list” should Donald Trump lose in the November election. Let’s just say it won’t be pretty.

“If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz if he won’t endorse … and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping,” he said, before completely losing his cool and launching into a lengthy tirade.

The rant was in reaction to news reports that Republicans are plotting an “effort to dump Trump” and to host an “intervention” with the GOP presidential nominee. He said he completely understood Trump’s frustration, but urged him to “just stop talking” because the election is still winnable more than 90 days out.

Hannity said he was particularly frustrated with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who he noted was in the “fight of his life” in the run-up to Tuesday’s Republican Primary in Wisconsin’s First Congressional District. He further argued he didn’t see anything—outside of perhaps trade—in the Republican nominee’s agenda that isn’t conservative.

“But I think Trump is a free-trader,” he said. “He just wants better trade deals, and everything to him is a negotiation.”

So, after revealing who he’s frustrated with, saying they’ve been “more harsh toward Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda,” he lowered the boom.

“They did nothing—nothing,” he said. “All these phony votes to ‘repeal and replace ObamaCare,’ show votes so they can go back and keep their power and get re-elected.

“Sorry, you created Donald Trump—all of you—because of your ineffectiveness, because of your weakness, your spinelessness, your lack of vision, your inability to fight Obama. Your fear of being blamed for a government shutdown.

“I’m getting a little sick and tired of all of you. Honestly, I am tempted to just say I don’t support any of you people—ever.

“You know what? Paul Ryan wants to play this game—I haven’t made up my mind either. He’s running against this guy in the primary. I haven’t made up mind who I’m going to support. We’ll find out in a couple of days.”

Hannity was only just getting started, though. Breitbart News has a recording of the entire rant. Click here to listen to all 10 minutes of it.

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