Dr. James Dobson Calls for Prayer as Georgia Senate Race Becomes Ground Zero for America’s Future

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Dr. James Dobson is rallying Christians to pray. On Jan. 5 a runoff election in Georgia will determine two Senate seats and which political party will have greatest influence in Washington, D.C. Here is his statement:

“We are standing on the edge of an abyss.

“Our ‘sweet land of liberty’ is just two Senate races away from ushering in a socialist-driven agenda that is anti-faith, anti-family and anti-freedom. Are ‘we the people’ listening? The Judeo-Christian system of values that have upheld our great nation for nearly 250 years is in danger of disintegrating. Georgia is ground zero for what may turn out to be the most consequential political battle our country has ever faced. If we lose, the America we have known and loved for centuries may be facing its final days. I write this with a huge lump in my throat.

“Throughout this election, voters have been presented with two distinct visions for America. One party proclaims the sanctity of human life, defends religious liberty and freedom of conscience, prioritizes the family as the foundation of civil society and recognizes that we flourish only as one nation under God. The other party champions abortion on demand up to the moment of birth, supports ‘gender transition’ for young children, demands that religious liberty take a back seat to supposed notions of ‘tolerance’ and embraces the unconstitutional notion of ‘separation of church and state.’ The stark differences go on and on.

“We are on the verge of ushering the latter platform of evil into power. To say I’m disheartened is an understatement. Will ‘we the people’ remain silent and allow our great country to be ideologically transformed, or will we let our voices be heard in Georgia?

“The enemies of liberty and righteousness want to destroy all that is good about America. Their targets include your freedom, your family and your faith. Christian friends, we must not sit idly by when there is so much at stake. As a nation, we must pray for God’s deliverance and implore our brothers and sisters in Georgia to register and vote.” {eoa}

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