California Poised to Lead US in Including Homosexuals in Curriculum

Gov. Jerry Brown

California could become the first state to mandate that school districts must teach out of textbooks and instructional materials that include homosexual, bisexual and transgender teachings. On Thursday, the Democrat-controlled state Assembly passed Senate Bill 48—the Fair, Accountable, Inclusive and Respectful Education Act (FAIR Act).

The bill passed the Assembly Education committee on June 22, and the state Assembly sent it through to Gov. Jerry Brown on a 49-25 vote. Brown has 12 days—from the time it hit his desk—to either sign SB 48, veto it or let it become a bill without a signature.

The FAIR Act, written by self-admitted homosexual state Sen. Mark Leno of San Francisco, will require that homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders be included in textbooks and instructional materials in a manner that does not “reflect adversely” upon them. This means that textbooks and materials—for students in kindergarten through 12th grade—must present lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, groups and lifestyles in a positive manner. Nothing negative or perceived to be negative about them can be presented.

“Here in California the enemy is raging like a lion, seeking to destroy families while targeting children at an early age,” Maryal Boumann, director of Pray California, said in an email to Charisma News.

According to Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, if the bill passes, it will affect more students than just those in California.

“The reality is that the major textbook manufacturers do not create different textbooks for each state,” Dacus explains. “Instead, they seek to comply with mandates in the largest states, especially California and Texas. As a result, many smaller states are pressured into approving California-focused instructional materials, which must now cater to the gay history mandate.”

Boumann sent a request via email to Pray California members, urging them to contact the governor’s office.

“We must take action or (I believe) we shall be held accountable for being silent. May our eyes be open to realize the evil effects this will have on our children, beginning at the kindergarten age when  their little minds and spirits are so susceptible and  trusting,” Boumann’s email said.

The Pacific Justice Institute is also urging Californians to contact Brown’s office and urge a veto of SB 48. The organization also encourages parents, school board members and legislators outside California to investigate the textbooks being approved by their state boards of education and purchased by their local school districts.

Without parent vigilance, “San Francisco values will be introduced by stealth into classrooms across the country,” Dacus warns.

To contact Brown’s office, call (916) 445-2841, fax (916) 558-3160 or send an email.

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