Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

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Watchman on the Wall

2021 2 LeClaire intercession

If Every Intercessor Would Do This, We’d See Revival

Watchman on the Wall

There’s never been a more critical time to stand in the gap. What does that really mean? Standing in the gap is a selfless posture, a Christlike posture. Standing in the gap is making a defense against an enemy attack. Standing in the gap is exposing oneself to enemy fire in order to protect something […]

2020 10 witches Christian

Discerning the Operations of ‘Christian Witches’

Watchman on the Wall

So-called “Christian” witches love to come to my church, Awakening House of Prayer, in Fort Lauderdale. Mind you, I realize there’s no such thing as a Christian witch, but that’s what they call themselves. I’ve seen a rise of Christians practicing witchcraft. Or maybe they aren’t Christians at all. I won’t judge someone’s salvation, but

2020 10 Keith Rainiere

Would You Have Recognized This ‘Trauma-Busting’ Cult Leader?

Watchman on the Wall

Despite defense attorneys blaming his conviction on a “media campaign” that spawned an unfair trial, the cult leader NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison on Tuesday. NXIVM is not a church, but a professional development company that held seminars focusing on helping people overcome trauma. Essentially, it’s a multilevel

2020 10 graveyard necromancy

Why Necromancy Is a Clear Abomination to the Lord

Watchman on the Wall

While serving as editor at Charisma magazine, I received an email from a publicist who aggressively claimed to represent a “devout lifelong Christian” who is also “a clairvoyant, empathic psychic medium and psychic investigator with consultation on more than 100 missing person and cold case files on his resume.” The man claims he communicates with

2020 09 intercession court prayer

Supreme Court Shifts, Prayer Movement Tips Over

Watchman on the Wall

While governmental intercessors have been rising up to pray for the 2020 elections in the States, some prayer warriors stay out of politics altogether. With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on Sept. 18—and a monumental Election Day that is only weeks away—we’re in an “all-hands-on-deck” moment in the intercessory prayer movement.

2020 09 prophecy monthly trend

Is God Against the ‘Monthly Prophecy’ Trend?

Watchman on the Wall

I’ve been troubled in my spirit for some time over what I call the “monthly prophecy” trend. We see prophets—and even those who don’t claim to be prophets—releasing a brand-spanking new, shiny, happy, prophetic word chock-full of super-duper life-changing promises each and every month. You’ll hear them prophesy “it’s the month of this” or “the

2020 08 wolves sheep

An Open Letter to Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Watchman on the Wall

Dear Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, A growing number of people in the body of Christ see you. The Holy Spirit is opening our eyes to your prophetic witchcraft and the motive behind it. We have our eyes on you, and we won’t fall for your slick brand of deception anymore. You may have fooled us

2020 07 resignations crumble

A Time of Resignations and Chaotic Transitions Is Upon Us

Watchman on the Wall

It’s a time of resignations and a season of chaotic transitions. We’ll see serious resignations through at least the first half of next year. Some of these resignations will be necessary. Some will come in the wake of enemy set-ups through tactics such as false accusations that bring scandal—if we don’t pray. Some will be

2020 07 megachurch prophecy

Is This Part of the Megachurch Prophecy?

Watchman on the Wall

North Point Community Church, one of the nation’s “most-mega” megachurches, is suspending in-person worship for the remainder of 2020 over coronavirus concerns. Located in Atlanta, North Point has seven locations in the region. The campuses host over 30,000 believers for Sunday services. From now until at least the end of the year, all services will

2020 05 apostasy rising bible

This Sign of the Times Is Rapidly and Publicly Rising

Watchman on the Wall

He’s the son of a pastor and grew up in church, but you may know him as the frontman of Hawk Nelson. Jon Steingard just renounced Jesus Christ, the latest in a string of high- profile Christians who are publicly turning away from the Lord. Steingard used Instagram as his messenger to denounce his Savior.

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