Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

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False Prophets Concerned With People Turning Into Werewolves

Blue moons, or what some call the Full Flower Moon, the Full Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon, only shine once every few years. They aren't as uncommon as the red blood moons that caused prophetic voices to issue urgent warnings, but they are rare enough for a bandwagon of bogus mystics to start making scary bets.

Once in a blue moon comes along a company of bona fide false prophets with wild predictions so bizarre even the least discerning Christians cry foul.

We just saw a hoard of hallucinating hucksters emerge to harvest hard cash from hungry souls—and they used the recent and rare blue moon to do it.

Blue moons, or what some call the Full Flower Moon, the Full Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon, only shine once every few years. They aren’t as uncommon as the red blood moons that caused prophetic voices to issue urgent warnings, but they are rare enough for a bandwagon of bogus mystics to start making scary bets.

“Normally, there are only three full moons in each season, but occasionally there is a season with four full moons,” explains “When this happens, like how it is this spring, the third of the four full moons earns the name of a Blue Moon. Despite their name, blue moons are not actually the color blue and will appear their typical color.”


These false prophets are sounding the alarm with great concern that the blue moons we saw recently could point to a horrible tragedy on the Earth. That’s because there are usually only three blue moons in a season and May’s was the fourth one.

“There are energies now that are bothering me, I am becoming more sensitive,” a mystic known only as Bonnie shared while predicting “something bad” was going to happen due to “planetary alignments.” I would post the video but it’s out-right demonic. I could feel the witchcraft when reviewing it.

“There is something there that is not really great for everyone,” she continues. “Something is wrong, something is not right. I feel something is bad.”

False prophets that run the Nemesis Maturity Channel are echoing Bonnie’s troubling prophecies with greater explanation.

“Since ancient times, full moons have been associated with odd or insane behavior, including sleepwalking, illegal activity, fits of violence and, of course, transforming into werewolves.

“In 18th-century England, people on trial for murder could campaign for a lighter sentence on grounds of lunacy if the crime occurred under a full moon, meanwhile, psychiatric patients at London’s Bethlehem Hospital were shackled and flogged as a preventive measure during certain lunar phases. Even today, despite studies discrediting the hypothesis, some people think full moons make everyone a little loony.”

My thoughts? These false prophets are a little loony.

Since there were no reports of people transforming into werewolves, I think it’s safe to say that Bonnie’s bothersome forebodings was probably a bad case of heartburn.

This is worse than the false prophet who insists he was framed for selling photos from his trip to heaven. Let’s not forget the false prophet who got busted in Washington in a prayer scam sting. Oh, remember the false Presbyterian teacher who denied Jesus rose from the dead? Then there are the prophets of doom and gloom who prophesy natural disasters on specific dates—and the disasters don’t come to pass.

Beloved, don’t miss the signs of the times. Jesus said, “Then many will fall away, and betray one another, and hate one another. And many false prophets will rise and will deceive many. Because iniquity will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:10-14).

Let’s commit today to be lover of the truth to the end.

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