Did Justin Bieber Really Dress Up Like a Woman on Instagram Pic?

2018 04 Justin Bieber Instagram

Over the years, we’ve seen a good number of photos of Justin Bieber, the boy pop star turned adult Hollywood phenom, circulating the internet.

But an Instagram photo posted Wednesday night with nearly 4 million likes at the time of this writing is creating more than a little buzz in the social media world.

Bieber the boy wonder is dressed and styled as Beyonce, complete with fingernail polish, shaved legs and plenty of curves.

Was this a strange sense of humor or something more?

The world is speculating, given his prior admission to wearing women’s clothes. Photos have emerged of boy Bieber wearing pink girly clothing and posing on his bed while news reports dating back to his Selena Gomez romance days indicate he prefers to wear women’s clothes because they fit him better.

“I’ve worn women’s jeans before because they fit me,” the Biebs admitted to Life & Style. “It’s not a trend; it’s just, whatever works, works.”

Wearing women’s jeans and wearing Beyonce’s best, though, are two different things. What’s going on here?

Before you start throwing accusatory stones at Bieber, know that he did it for a good laugh. He is not a crossdresser or endorsing any particular lifestyle. Apparently, he enjoyed Beyonce’s performance on Coachella so much that he put his face on a 2013 photo of her for fun.

Was it wisdom? Probably not in a world where Christians are watching his every move, looking for a reason to judge, criticize and condemn him. Was it harmful to his witness as a Christian at a time when he seems poised to put out a worship album?

We all have opinions and photos like the one Bieber posted yesterday certainly stir the pot. Let me be clear, I am not endorsing men dressing like women or women dressing line men. The Bible clearly speaks against this in Leviticus. The bottom line is he carries a gift from God and the ability to influence millions. What he does in this moment may not be as critical as what he does in the years ahead. If the church crucifies him, how does forward God’s purposes for his life?

Too many Internet prophets want to wax prophetic over Bieber’s every move and chime in, hoping to draw attention to their prophetic gift in the context of a Bieber comment. The better response is to pray for Justin who has not been shy about his face even if he’s made some poor decisions growing up in the public eye. #PrayforBieber

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