Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

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Are Drive-Thru Abortions Coming to a Church Near You?


Beyond an XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito Steak at Taco Bell or a classic Big Mac, you can get just about anything via drive-thru these days. There’s drive-thru dry-cleaning services, drive-thru prayer ministries—and even drive-thru funeral homes.

Are drive-thru abortions next?

If Lori Brown, who explores the topic in her new book, Contested Spaces: Abortion Clinics, Women’s Shelters and Hospitals, has her way, drive-thru abortions may soon be a reality in a city near you—or even in your local church. Never mind the safety risks; she’s advocating for abortion clinics at churches, shopping malls, high schools and military bases, for starters.

“Though abortion and the legal disputes that often surround it are visible media topics, abortion clinics are often pushed to the fringes of communities where access is the most crucial,” writes Gabby Bess, a columnist for The Daily Beast from her flawed perspective that access to abortion mills is vital to a woman’s reproductive health. The Internet, with all its educational benefits, hasn’t even made it into some rural areas of America, but it seems the pro-abortion camp would rather see abortion mills than Internet access for the poor.

“But what if [abortion clinics] were integrated into the mainstream of our everyday space: clinics in malls, clinics on military bases, clinics on high school campuses, and open access to preventative care?” Bess asks as a preface to an article featuring Brown’s anti-life propaganda.

What if? Well, we would see the blood of more innocents filling up the bowls of wrath waiting to spill out over this nation for the 56-plus-million abortions since Roe v. Wade was legalized in 1973—judgment that I believe is being held back by prayer and fasting for the mercy of God.

Nevertheless, Bess seems to agree with Brown. An architect by trade, one of Brown’s goals is to find ways to architect buildings in a way that minimizes “harassment” from pro-life protesters. Her strategy is not working out too well, she says, because abortion mills reportedly can’t afford to work with an architect. That’s surprising, given the profits associated with this nefarious practice.

But Brown’s real vision is to bring the mantra of all successful drive-thru businesses to the abortion industry: Location, location, location.

“I think it’s so much about location and if, bear with me, I suggest that high schools—I know that in New York and California they can provide contraception and even in some schools in New York City they can provide emergency contraception—but what if abortion was accessible in high schools?” she asks.

“What if it was accessible on military bases, where we know sexual assault is very high? What if it was available in malls because you can’t actually protest in a mall because it’s not public space, it’s private space? There are medical-type facilities already in a mall so why not have an abortion clinic in a mall?” she asks.

“Even one of the case studies I found, which was incredible, it was called the Clergy Consultation Service in New York City, and at one point they were going to open an abortion clinic on the grounds of their church in the West Village. But then the New York State law changed and they didn’t open the clinic but they were going to have an abortion clinic on religious grounds. I just think where we locate these clinics plays a critically important role in how we access them. I know I’ll be shot down for this, but it’s more provocations of locating them in places where the demographic is seeking these services,” she concludes.

Yes, Brown will be shot down—at least for now. But she is successfully planting seeds in mainstream media. She’s asking provoking questions to get a conversation started. She’s pushing an agenda to shed the blood of pre-born babies right onto the church campus. If that’s not demonically inspired, what is?

Let’s not be naive enough to think Brown’s vision for abortion clinics in malls, military bases, high schools—and churches—won’t gain momentum. Let’s go on the offense—on our knees and into our local governments—to uproot this demonic seed before it bears life-killing fruit. Amen? 

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet. You can email Jennifer at [email protected] or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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