The Pulse, by Joseph Mattera

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The Pulse

Statue of Liberty under water

Seven Ominous Storms Facing America After the Coming Election

The Pulse

This past Sunday metaphorically pictured the present situation of our nation: Even with a terrible storm on the horizon (on the East Coast) many people were being (spiritually) lulled to sleep while fascinated with football games and entertainment through media. This is eerily similar to more than 1,500 years ago, when the Roman emperor distracted […]

Mitt Romney, Barack Obama

How to Use the Ten Commandments as a Guide to Vote

The Pulse

Many are calling the upcoming U.S. presidential election the most important since World War II. That may be true because, in addition to deciding the future of major economic and social policy initiatives like immigration reform, social security, debt reduction, same-sex marriage and health care, the next president will most likely have the ability to

Romney and Obama

Why Do So Many Believers Shun Biblical Values While Voting?

The Pulse

With the increased tension and polarity in the body of Christ because of the coming election, I am attempting with this article to help bring clarity as to why people vote the way they do. My intent in wading through these murky waters is to help to bring greater unity in the church so that


The Sins and Temptations of Leaders

The Pulse

Since I have been serving in full-time church-related ministry since 1980 I have been through various stages of growth and development in ministry and character. Based on self-reflections and observations from years of ministering to and with pastors and leaders in the church, I have written the following article on some of the specific sins


How America Exchanged God for Gods

The Pulse

I won’t pull any punches. I’m challenging the church to embrace its call to be salt and light to the world once again, and to vote this November based on biblical values instead of groupthink party affiliation. As I was studying 2 Kings 16, I realized there is an eerie similarity between that particular time in

radical Islamists

Six Reasons Why Radical Islamists Are Hopeful They Will Win

The Pulse

As we read the Old Testament we find that one of the ways God judges a nation is by allowing its enemies to become stronger as a means of discipline to bring that nation back to God. Reading the books of Judges, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Haggai, Isaiah, Joel and Jeremiah

Bible study

John 17 Sets Standard for the Body

The Pulse

John 17:20-23 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent

old church

How Culture Transforms Biblical Beliefs and Church Practice

The Pulse

As a new Christian in the late 1970s I was naive and thought all Christians followed the teachings of the Bible and formulated doctrine and church polity objectively from the sacred Scriptures. The more I study church history the more I realize the ways churches are structured, messages are preached, and theologies are formulated are

youth pastor

Twelve Common Mistakes Young Pastors and Leaders Make

The Pulse

Having started in full-time ministry at the age of 22 and pioneering a local congregation at the age of 25, much of this article comes from the “school of hard knocks.” Either I have made each of the following mistakes or I have observed them made by other pastors in my 30-plus years of full-time

rich preacher

Five American Myths of Successful Churches and Ministries

The Pulse

In my reading of the Word of God over the past 34 years I have noticed a keen difference between the biblical measure of success and the way many American churches seem to measure success. Many of the ways American churches measures success are in fact direct violations of the teachings of Jesus in Matthew

Joseph Mattera

Building a True Rainbow Coalition Demands Biblical Philosophy

The Pulse

Much has been made in this nation around the issue of race, perhaps more than any other nation in the West. As Christians we need to honor the fact that God loves and has made His creation diverse, including within the species called the human race. Truly, God is not colorblind. He made groups of


Chick-fil-A and Far-Left Tyranny

The Pulse

I have said for a long time that unless our nation’s elected officials and judges understand that their qualifications to lead are based on delegated authority from God that they would become tyrannical in their legislation and leadership! Elected officials and judges in the U.S. should base their philosophy of leadership on the U.S. Declaration

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