The Pulse, by Joseph Mattera

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The Pulse

2023 7 Mattera AI

10 Things the Church Must Do to Survive AI

The Pulse

In this era of fast-paced technological progression, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a force of change that ceaselessly drives transformation across various spheres of society. Because of the vast transformation of our future, I’ve been studying the implications of AI, so I could help position the church. 1. Reformation of pastoral roles – Pastors relying […]

2023 7 Mattera God government Unsplash

Government or God? Humanism Versus the Kingdom, Part 1

The Pulse

Many good evangelical leaders believe big government is good as long as it aids people experiencing poverty, supports their nonprofit community programs and perpetuates what they define as social justice. These same leaders acknowledge the benefit of church tax-exempt status, and most operate with the ideology and theology handed down by their pastors and mentors.

2023 6 Mattera manhood

7 Types of Men from Godless Cultures

The Pulse

Emotionally emasculated men deviate from their inherent male role and identity, rendering themselves ineffective or weaker due to insecurity or being dominated by a boss, peer pressure or their spouse. In Job 38, God exhorted Job to stand up like a man so He could address him, emphasizing specific masculine traits that God expects men

2023 6 Mattera gaps

7 Areas Where the Church Must Bridge Critical Gaps

The Pulse

Since 1980, I began serving God in leadership. I have observed severe gaps in the church in at least seven major areas If not corrected, the critical gaps in these areas will significantly limit the ability of the church to fulfill the Great Commission and our preparation for the bodily return of Jesus. 1. The

2023 6 Mattera God love

Why Love Does Not Define God

The Pulse

Today’s preaching from Christian pulpits is filled with compromise, often because of the wrong presentation of biblical love. Since love is a powerful motivating force that can drive people to the limits of their abilities and existence, it needs to be defined correctly in the church lest believers fall into grave error regarding our teaching

2023 5 Burroughs flag America

7 Main Cultural Drivers to Christianity

The Pulse

In this article, the term “cultural drivers” means any societal factors that motivate people toward Christianity and a biblical ethos. The Twittersphere is filled with atheistic and progressive liberals now looking for a church to ground their children in moral values. The far-Left ideology and practice regarding children motivate many parents to long for moral

2023 4 Mattera sin

7 Spiritual Consequences from Breaking God’s Boundaries

The Pulse

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they separated themselves from God and became semi-autonomous (Gen. 2:15-17; 3:1-8). This sin opened up the proverbial “Pandora’s box” since their actions created an innate propensity for humans to cross forbidden boundaries. To illustrate, one of the words

2023 4 Mattera famine church

7 Ways to Reverse the Greatest Famine in the Church Today

The Pulse

Jesus said that His words are Spirit and Life (John 6:63). We must spiritually experience the God-breathed words of Yahweh, not merely digest them intellectually. Jesus told us we need to know both the Scriptures and the power of God (Matt. 22:29). He told the Samaritan woman that our Father is seeking “true worshippers” to

2023 4 Mattera Preacher pulpit

Reversing the Greatest Famine in the Church Today

The Pulse

In Amos 8:11, the Lord speaks about a famine of hearing the Word of the Lord. This was referring to a time in the life of the nation of Israel when there was rarely a true prophetic word spoken. I believe that we are now living in similar times. There are many dubious so-called prophetic

2022 11 Jesus Teaching

Is the Ekklesia Really the Legislative Ruling Body on the Earth?

The Pulse

Read Time: 5 Minutes 2 Seconds Over the last two decades, I’ve been hearing more and more people equate the New Testament term for church, also called the ekklesia, primarily with influencing secular politics (like instituting a Christian theocracy). This is because the etymology of this word had to do with the way the Greek

2022 10 Mattera self fulfillment

Joseph Mattera: 9 Errors of the Gospel of Self Fulfillment

The Pulse

Read Time: 4 Minutes 44 Seconds Since the dawn of the “positive thinking” message of Norman Vincent Peale in the 20th century, there has been an avalanche of preachers teaching variations of this message. (The “health and wealth” prosperity gospel, “name it and claim it,” along with various modes of motivational types of preaching.) When

2022 10 Mattera apathy

7 Ways Believers Neglect Their Salvation

The Pulse

Read Time: 5 Minutes 3 Seconds The writer of Hebrews says, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation” (2:3, NKJV). The Greek word for neglect, (“having neglected” in its original tense in Greek), is “amelÄ“santes.” This means to pay no attention to, to make light of or to be negligent of.

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