The Pulse, by Joseph Mattera

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Mattera Flood Pixabay

God Is Releasing the End-Times Flood

The Pulse

With the collapse of Judeo/Christian values in Western culture, people are left to frame their lives through means that are not defined by the biblical narrative. Thus, presently, there is a free-for-all system where every person defines their own laws, ethics and values. Self-expression is the new ethos, and even if self-destructive lifestyles diminish the […]

Mattera awakening Pixabay

10 Factors Hindering a National Awakening

The Pulse

By Joseph Mattera Christians everywhere pray for a national awakening that will preserve and revive their nation. However, an awakening does not come simply because people hope and pray for it. Before a nation experiences a spiritual awakening, certain preconditions must occur.  By “awakening,” I am referring to masses of people in a community, city

Man holding briefcase leaping from one cliff to another.

Avoiding 12 Hazards of Executive Leadership

The Pulse

As somebody who has served in executive leadership and with senior-level leaders for many decades, I have observed the following 12 hazards of executive leadership: 1. Constant stress. Stress is unavoidable. Every time a person has a responsibility to fulfill, some stress comes with it. Not all stress is bad. However, there is often a

Sad woman inside with palms on window

12 Signs of Abusive Leaders

The Pulse

Lately, there have been many articles in the media about leaders who take advantage of other people. This is a common pattern of abuse, in which leaders use their positions of authority to take advantage of their subordinates or those looking to them for help. Many signs of abusive leadership relate to leadership in the

Man wearing hoodie, arms folded, grim expression

6 Signs of Power Hungry Leaders

The Pulse

God-ordained public service should never be about a person’s desire for power but should arise out of a servant’s heart to meet the needs of the people they represent. Jesus modeled this when He washed the feet of His disciples and when He said that the greatest in the kingdom of God are those who

Worship setting with many hands raised

10 Absurd Practices in the Contemporary Apostolic Movement

The Pulse

The apostolic movement is considered by many to be the fastest-growing expression within the church in the world today. My book, “The Global Apostolic Movement and the Progress of the Gospel,” is among several I wrote and is considered a must-read. In some of my writings, the blessings and abuses of this movement are covered

Crowd worshipping

7 Typical Prophetic Buzzwords Given to Hype Crowds

The Pulse

Every year, many prophetic words are given to start the new year. Many prophetic words are just repetitive rewordings of previously hyped-up words. However, are they really prophetic words? With all the prophetic lunacy in much of the charismatic church over the last few years, we need to revisit the prophetic standards statement as a

digital rendering of 2024

10 Biblical Promises for a Blessed 2024

The Pulse

The Scriptures provide us with numerous conditional promises and commands that, if followed, will ultimately ensure a blessed future. This doesn’t imply that walking with God will shield us from all challenges or suffering. It pertains to the rewarding outcomes of specific actions and lifestyles. As we step into 2024, adhering to Scripture’s teachings is

hands raised to worship Jesus

10 Essential Qualities for the Jesus-Driven Church

The Pulse

In Romans 8:29, the Word of God teaches us that believers were predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Since the book of Romans was written to the church in Rome, we understand the subject of the verse as the corporate body of Christ. Hence, local congregations are called to become Christlike

Chuch above city with glow of sun around steeple

Has God Called the Church to Rule the World?

The Pulse

Over the last two decades, I’ve been hearing more and more people equate the New Testament term for church, also called the ekklesia, primarily with influencing secular politics (like instituting a Christian theocracy). This is because the etymology of this word had to do with the way the Greek citizens would assemble to make public

Chuch above city with glow of sun around steeple

Has God Called the Church to Rule the World?

The Pulse

Over the last two decades, I’ve been hearing more and more people equate the New Testament term for church, also called the ekklesia, primarily with influencing secular politics (like instituting a Christian theocracy). This is because the etymology of this word had to do with the way the Greek citizens would assemble to make public

antique Bible

Beware These 10 Heretical Views Regarding Jesus

The Pulse

Having a biblical view of Jesus during this Christmas season is essential. Unfortunately, many people in Christianity have erroneous concepts: Some think He was a created being, some think He was just a good teacher, some think He was fully divine and not human and some believe He was fully human and not God. Jesus

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