The Flaming Herald, by Bert Farias

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The Flaming Herald

2021 9 Hagin Kenneth

Deceased General of the Faith Speaks from the Grave

The Flaming Herald

This is a direct quote from the late Kenneth E. Hagin. It is tremendous and I love it! I’ve been feeding on it of late. It is impacting my inner man. It is being injected into my “spiritual bloodstream.” This is the lifeline of the church in this hour. “The consecration of believers was much

2021 9 Holiness Farias jack sharp unsplash

How You Can Be Ready for the Second Coming

The Flaming Herald

“But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers” (1 Pet. 4:7, NKJV). As time draws nearer to the coming of the Lord, our attitude should be one of soberness and watchfulness. Every righteous generation of saints has eagerly anticipated the Lord’s coming. The biggest reason He

2021 8 faith Farias jeremy yap unsplash

Can You Be a Believer Without Being a Disciple?

The Flaming Herald

In the church today there is much deception because people have been made to believe that their entire consecration is not necessary for them to be followers of Jesus. Many have never been made to see the degree of hindrance their flesh is having on their spiritual lives. Most people attend church to learn to

2021 8 Farias prophet

Are There Too Many ‘Prophets’ Operating by Occultic Powers?

The Flaming Herald

“We are gathering a company of prophets in different local cities and regions, so that we can prophesy into the atmosphere to cause a shift in the region,” said one prophet. This belief system and mode of operation is common in the “prophetic” ministry today. Honestly, my spirit is disturbed when I hear such statements.

2021 8 Farias church authority

The Supernatural Church of Love and Power

The Flaming Herald

I’ve been writing a lot and producing videos recently on the supernatural church of love, power and authority. It is something God is emphasizing in this hour to bring divine order to His body. It is a gigantic, mushrooming move of God to separate the Spirit churches from flesh churches. If the emphasis is not

Here’s How Our Churches Can Burn in Holy Spirit Fire

The Flaming Herald

Even though it saddens me that many church leaders and pastors continue to be passive and indifferent toward the wisdom and counsel of God for their churches in this hour, I’m thankful for the hunger and excitement I see from the remnant saints. Although I honor true church leaders and pastors, and Ephesians 4:11 ministry

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