The Flaming Herald, by Bert Farias

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Hatred and Anger: A Sign of the Times and Things to Come

A great anger and hatred has been unleashed in America against Christians and true conservatives.

“Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that his time is short” (Rev. 12:12).

The above Scripture allows us to see through a window into the past when Satan was cast out of heaven. He was filled with great wrath. This gives us a picture of what is presently happening in America and the nations of the world through the spirit of Antichrist.

“Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and is already in the world” (1 John 4:3).

“For many deceivers, who do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Each one is a deceiver and an antichrist” (2 John 7).

A great anger and hatred has been unleashed in America against Christians and true conservatives. We are seeing this on every level—not just here, but as I stated, in the nations as well. There’s an irrational hatred evidenced here in the U.S. among the leftists for those who don’t believe as they do. This is the same spirit that has manifested at different times throughout history and was the common spirit in Rome where they accepted all gods and goddesses, yet rejected those who worshipped the true and living God.

This evil anti-Christ spirit is in manifestation all over the world from religions that kill anyone that do not agree with them, to political enemies who personally attack people’s words and actions rather than the content of their ideas, to even the body of Christ, which has caused division, church splits and the ending of many friendships. When you see irrational anger without any logical reason or justification for it, there is usually a very strong evil spirit behind.

Hatred and Anger Will Increase

As we near the return of the Lord, this anger and hatred will continue to increase throughout the nations. As a result, the persecution against the church shall also increase. It will be as it was in the early church. The good news is that persecution has a way of purifying and unifying the church with ensuing great signs, wonders and miracles usually resulting.

For many years, America has had its enemies from without, but never have we witnessed so many enemies from within. You watch, if our president does not get the cooperation necessary from Congress to pass the bills that need to be passed and signed in this hour, the heat of the anger and hatred his opposers have toward him will rise to yet another level. One such bill is tax reform. We need to be praying that this passes because if it doesn’t many people and investors will begin to lose confidence in this administration, and there will be a severe backlash. Trump’s enemies and those who already oppose his presidency will vehemently blame the conservatives, and it could result in the liberals winning in 2018 and racing forward with their anti-Christ agenda.

I have a few genuine prophet friends who have been sensing the same thing I’ve been sensing since Trump’s election. An initial relief that Hillary did not win the election and a gratitude for the window of opportunity extended to the church in this hour, followed by a recent blank feeling in our spirits beyond the first two years of this presidency. No joy. No excitement. A sense of things still very much hanging in the balance. I said earlier in the year that 2017 would be a very bad year for the world. It seems worse in 2018 with no sense beyond that. Just a blank feeling.

If and when liberals are back in charge, they will come with vengeance against conservatives and Christians and those who don’t agree with them. Conservatives and Christians will be blamed for the nation’s problems, as that spirit has done throughout the centuries, blaming others to justify its actions. Be mindful that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood and that this spirit of anger and hatred is the root motivator.

Pray that these bad things politically and economically be delayed or stopped altogether. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves to discern that spirit of anger and hatred that works in all those who will yield to it.

This is the time for the church to shine with the glory of the Lord. The glorious church is the only hope of the world. This is the time to manifest the glory and power of God and reap a great harvest of souls, as those outside of Christ begin to sense the hopelessness and emptiness of life without Him. They, too sense the hatred and anger in the world. They are seeing that the answer is not in kings, and presidents, and the governments and economies of the world. They will discover that sin and religion can never satisfy. In fact, I believe that many traditional churches and those without the power in this hour will grow increasingly frustrated and seek a deeper experience in God. The glorious church must seize this opportunity. In spite of the grim and bleak circumstances and conditions in the world, I believe this is our finest hour.

Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered.

There is so much falsehood in the world and in the traditional church that many are seeking the real. This tetralogy of books will point you in that direction: The Real Salvation, The Real Gospel, The Real Jesus and The Real Spirit Of Revival.

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