The Biblical Key to Getting Completely Free From the Devil’s Sinister Oppression


You are a feeler. God has wired you that way. That means you will feel things in the spirit realm, maybe more than others. You need to learn how to navigate what you feel so you don’t come under needless spiritual warfare and oppression. You can be victorious and live above it.

I overcame needless suffering and so can you.

I’ve been a “feeler” since I first received the gift of discerning of spirits as a teenager. I felt everything in the spirit realm. I suffered from endless hours of feeling oppressed and not knowing how to make it go away. I want to give you insights into what I have learned from 30 years of experience in this area. You can rise above all oppression and live a life saturated with God’s glory, joy and peace.

Maybe you can relate to this. I used to feel a constant heaviness on my chest. I knew it wasn’t good. I rebuked it, bound it, told it to leave and it still remained. It was frustrating and semi-tormenting. I just didn’t know what to do. As years went by God helped me understand spiritual principles that would ultimately set me free. Now today I live with joy, freedom and an internal sense of God’s presence. You can have this as well.

Listen to today’s podcast to learn more about overcoming feelings of oppression. You can also learn more at {eoa}


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