Start Each Day With This Spirit-Led Intention


As we grow and develop our mindset, we are developing ourselves. God created you to thrive, not just to survive. Many people go through life just trying to get by. You were never meant to live that way. God wants you to win in life, and it all starts with a mindset to thrive. To thrive means to develop well. If there are any areas of your life where you are weak, it is vital to learn to develop those areas.

An undeveloped mindset will lead you astray on your journey to your purpose and destiny. However, the good news is that when we spend time renewing our mind and developing a healthy thought life, things begin to change. When we are intentional to develop our thinking, we will begin to see success.

In order to be successful and to thrive in every area of our lives, we must start each day with intention. A great place to start is to begin each day with God. Mark 1:35 tells us Jesus rose early each morning and went away to be alone with His Father. If it was important to Jesus, it must be important to us! Seeking the kingdom of God first will help us live in obedience to Him. It will keep our minds on the thoughts of God instead of our own, and we will see transformation.

Psalm 119:15 says, “I will meditate on Your precepts, and keep my eyes on Your ways.” If you meditate on the concepts of the kingdom, seeking the kingdom of God first, then you will function out of a kingdom mindset!

To be encouraged and equipped tune in for more by listening to Episode 4 of the Kingdom Mindset podcast with Joe Joe Dawson, “Developing Well.”


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