Standing With Israel

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Why a Two-State Solution Presents a Three-State Problem

Creating a two-state solution will give East Jerusalem, including the Western Wall, to the

This week in Paris, the “Kings of the Earth” (Ps. 2) have taken their stand against God’s holy mountain, Jerusalem. They want to give Judea and Samaria (The West Bank) and East Jerusalem (including the Western Wall and Temple Mount) to the so-called Palestinians in hopes of creating a two-state solution.

However, what people don’t seem to know is that there already is a Palestinian state for Arabs that was recently created and it is called Jordan. Here is a little history in eight quick bullets:

1. The word Palestine comes not from the Arabs but the Romans. The Roman emperor Hadrian changed the name from Judea to Palestine in A.D. 135 to erase the Jewishness of the land. He also exiled as many Jews as he could. He didn’t want more rebellions and this was his solution. He sought to erase all evidence of Judaism from the Jewish nation.

2. Before World War I, the border of “Palestine” was not only lands west of the Jordan River, what we now call Israel, but lands east of the Jordan as well—all of modern-day Jordan and Israel.

3. Great Britain took control of this land in 1917 after the Turks were defeated in W.W.I. They told the Jews in writing that their aim was to create a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. This document is known as the Balfour Declaration.

4. In 1920, the San Remo Conference (the legal body made up of the victors of W.W.I) assembled to decide how to administrate lands taken from the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). This group embraced the Balfour Declaration, giving the establishment of a Jewish homeland in historic Palestine international legal backing.

5. However, in 1921, Great Britain gave up nearly 80 percent of historic Palestine as a gesture to the Arabs and created Transjordan (which would become Jordan). In addition, they officially removed this area from the land formerly promised for the establishment of a Jewish state. And if they had to revise their commitment to the Jewish people, it can be established that they had originally planned to allow Jewish settlement on both sides of the Jordan River.

6. Now understand: There had never been a nation called Jordan or Transjordan in the past. This was a brand-new nation for Palestinian Arabs living on the East Bank of the Jordan.

7. Therefore, to take more land that was promised legally for Jewish settlement and create another Palestinian Arab state would be in fact, a third state in the region, two of which are for Palestinian Arabs and one for Palestinian Jews.

8. You may be surprised that I just used the term “Palestinian Jews.” But that was the term given to anyone living in historic Palestine—Jew, Arab or Christian. In fact, the Jewish-owned newspaper in Jerusalem was called The Palestine Post. There was no Arab nationality connected to the word, nor has there ever been an Arab nation called Palestine.

So, when the nations of the world seek to divide up the Promised Land, creating an Arab nation on the West Bank of the Jordan, understand it is not a two-state solution, but a three-state problem. What is worse is that the leadership of the Palestinians is utterly corrupt, robbing the people and stealing international aid money. Islamic terror groups would seize power very quickly, even as they already have in Gaza.

While on the one hand, the West fights ISIS, they want to create another state of Islamic radicals. Israel embraces democratic ideals, human rights and a robust economy, but the nations want to create a nation that will soon be another Islamic totalitarian state. Israel floods the world with technological and medical breakthroughs, while the Islamic states teach their children hate and murder. Do we really need another state like this?

Despite it all, we stand in Israel knowing that the same God who rebirthed Israel out of the ashes of the Holocaust and has given us victory in every attack against us since, will continue to watch over us.

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who guards Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Ps. 121:1-4).

If you want to learn more, download my free e-Book, “The 15 Most Important Facts about the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict.” {eoa}

Ron Cantor is the lead pastor of Tiferet Yeshua Congregation in Tel Aviv (along with an anointed team of leaders). Yeshua found Ron when he was an 18-year-old agnostic. You can read about it in Ron’s book, Leave Me Alone, I am Jewish!—Ron’s testimony. He has also written a novel about the first Jewish believers called Identity Theft.

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