This Unlikely Alliance Has Prophetic Implications


The association between India and Israel has been somewhat marred over the years. Iran and India have very strong economic transactions, which has hindered Israeli-Indian ties for obvious reasons. Iran strongly supports India, but Iran wants to nuke Israel. Despite this, the Israeli-Indian connection is steadily growing stronger. This has significant prophetic implications.

At first, the close relations between the two countries may seem unlikely. They have more in common than you might think. Both countries are intensely focused on protection against radical Islam. Israel is surrounded by countries and terrorist organizations that are hostile to their existence. India has a Muslim population of 172 million, or 14.2 percent of its total. Both countries have a need for agricultural development, including irrigation technology.

Israel is now the third-largest supplier of arms to India, selling almost $1 billion in military hardware to the Asian state every year. Israeli companies have invested an estimated $100 billion in India over the last 16 years. The greatest breakthrough will come this summer, when Narendra Modi will be the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel.

The prophetic implications of this partnership are numerous. Could the relationship between the two counties signal a delay in the fulfillment of end-time events? It is very possible that India can somehow use their economic leverage with Iran to convince them to slow down their nuclear developments or tone down their rhetoric with Israel. Will Iran be more afraid to push at Israel because they do not want to lose the close relations they have with India?

Another possibility dovetails with an article released on Charisma just last week. In Daniel 9, a covenant is prophesied to be formed with many nations. It is tied to the temple in Jerusalem. A stronger Israeli-Indian connection could hasten this covenant being formed as India alone has approximately 18 percent of the world’s population.

Prophecy is history in advance. Focus on God, but let us not neglect to watch the news. History is unfolding before our very eyes.

“Therefore watch always and pray that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36). {eoa}

Kelly McDonald Jr. is an ordained evangelist at Hungry Hearts Ministries in Jackson, Tennessee. He has written over 40 books and booklets on pursing Christ, Hebrew roots and end-times prophecy. He is currently president of the Bible Sabbath Association (BSA). You can follow him at


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