Pray for Israel: Assad Planning Mass Chemical Attack


The Assad regime in Syria is preparing for a massive chemical weapons attack aimed at civilians, the Trump administration claimed Monday evening, June 26, 2017.

U.S. intelligence agencies have evidence suggesting the Syrian government was preparing for a large-scale chemical attack, similar to the strike near the city of Idlib in April 2017 which left dozens dead and hundreds more with serious injuries.

The White House strongly advised Assad that a new chemical weapons attack would not go unpunished, Arutz 7 reports. Days after the April 4 attack, two U.S.-guided missile ships in the Mediterranean fired a barrage of 50 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian military facility used in the chemical weapons attack. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley added that in addition to the Assad regime, the Russian government and Iran would also be held responsible for the mass murder of Syrian civilians.

Intercede that another brutal chemical weapons attack will not take place against Syrian civilians, which will result in agonizing deaths and injuries for multitudes—and likely lead to further harsh discord between superpowers Russia and the U.S. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at


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