New York Rabbi Bloodied and Broken After Vicious Anti-Semitic Attack


A 64-year-old orthodox rabbi has a broken nose and missing teeth after an attacker hit him in the head with a large brick while he was walking Tuesday morning in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood.

Rabbi Avraham Gopin, the father-in-law of popular Chassidic singer Benny Friedman, was walking through Lincoln Terrace Park when a man approached him and began berating him.

“Suddenly a man started yelling at him, and started chasing him, holding a huge brick,” Friedman wrote in a Twitter thread.

“He threw this huge brick at my father-in-law. My FIL says there was no question this man had murder on his mind. My father in law tried to defend himself. He is in hospital now with a broken nose, missing teeth, stitches on his head and lacerations on his body,” he said.

New York City Councilman Chaim Deutsch tweeted that the NYPD Hate Crimes Taskforce is investigating the incident.

“Has it become too dangerous for openly religious Jewish men to walk the streets of NYC?” Deutsch asked.

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