A New Translation of the Bible Has Deleted the Word ‘Israel’


When the word “Israel” is deleted from our Bible, we should be concerned. This week, it was reported that the Danish Bible Society removed the word “Israel” from their new translation of the Bible. They claim that the move was purely logistical, but it is clear that this is an act of anti-Semitism and replacement theology.

On today’s episode of the Joshua and Caleb Report podcast, we discuss the new Danish Bible translation as well as other acts of blatant Jew hatred.

The Palestinian Authority government seems only too glad to receive handouts from Israel, including free training for their medical staff and free equipment to help them in their battle against COVID-19.

Israel even gave the Palestinians one-half billion shekels (nearly 150 million U.S. dollars) as a loan to boost their economy. After accepting the money the PA immediately announced that they would first use it to pay the salaries of convicted terrorists who are doing time in Israeli jails for murdering and attacking Jews. They said that paying terrorists took priority over investing in their own people who are suffering from the coronavirus.

Tune in to today’s podcast to find out all of the latest news from Israel:

—Israel’s brand new government that is neither liberal nor conservative.

—A 30-day devotional titled “Christians Meet Israel.”

—The 100-year anniversary since San Remo, the conference that should have prevented the Holocaust.

—And much more.

The Joshua and Caleb Report podcast is a weekly show that broadcasts radical, biblical truths straight from Israel’s biblical heartland. Don’t settle for lies and negativity—listen to our weekly show to be empowered to stand confidently with God’s land and people.


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