Satan’s 2 Cunning Strategies to Distract You


Satan is cunning and strategic when it comes to distracting us from our destiny. Two tactics he uses and areas we’ve personally had to struggle with are:



We can become disappointed in God’s timing and process, and we are hit with disappointment and discouragement . The enemy accuses God to us; we are worn down and burned out by the enemy.

If we’re not careful, our confession has changed because we have suffered disappointment, and we are discouraged. We begin to question God and doubt His Word; we begin to listen to the voice of the enemy and agree with him.

We know. We’ve been there, when things didn’t go anywhere close to what we were hoping or believing. When we’d stepped out in faith and were holding onto the promises of God and watching everyone else be blessed, while it seemed we were passed by and forgotten. Kind of like Joseph.

But the Bible tells us to “Hold fast the profession of our faith” (Heb. 10:23a, KJV) and to keep our eyes on the prize. Don’t lose our focus.

If ever there were a time we need to maintain focus, it’s now. Listen to Keep Your Focus (Part 2) for encouragement on remaining or regaining focus.


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