SLAPP Down: How the Left’s Lawfare Is Attacking Donald Trump

Former President Donald J. Trump

In linguistics, a “portmanteau” is a word that combines the spelling and meaning of two or more other words or word parts. An example is “lawfare,” a term referring to the use of legal systems and principles against an adversary to damage or delegitimize him by wasting his time and money.

SLAPP is an acronym that stands for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. Much more than slaps on the wrist or in the face, such “strategic” lawsuits are intended to censor, intimidate and/or silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.

Former President Donald J. Trump with his 91 indictments is a case in point. The manipulation, exploitation and legal maneuvering applied to attain ideological supremacy and retain possession of the White House in 2024 is the backstory.

The left’s unscrupulous tactics include filing lawsuits, initiating investigations and exploiting legal loopholes to harass, gain advantage and shape public opinion. Trump is experiencing lawfare squared, and much of his legal opposition is being underwritten by George Soros, the main conspirator stirring up enmity, malice and anarchy in the streets of America.

Throughout his presidency and beyond, Donald Trump has faced numerous legal challenges ranging from investigations into his business practices, tax returns and the charge of collusion with foreign entities. While the examples are too numerous to list, here are two of them:

“More willful blindness by the media on spying by Obama administration” —The Hill.

“Hillary Clinton’s Russia Collusion Scheme” —The Wall Street Journal.

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Jonathan Turley (born 1961) is a nationally recognized legal scholar, writer, commentator and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism. He holds the prestigious J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University School of Law.

In an article on The Hill, he wrote last week on the stench of selective prosecution, or more pointedly, the double standard set of rules; that is, leniency for the well-connected and liberals, and harsh bias for political conservatives and Christian activists:

Channeling Tennessee Williams in his play “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” Judge Scott McAfee wrote that after their testimony [lead special prosecutor Nathan Wade and Fulton County, GA, District Attorney Fani Willis,] there remained “an odor of mendacity.”

That odor was particularly strong after the hearings indicated that Wade may have committed perjury in his earlier divorce case, and that both Willis and Wade were credibly accused of lying on the stand about when their relationship began. They are prosecuting defendants in the Trump case accused of the same underlying conduct, including 19 individual counts of false statements, false filings or perjury.

Yet, that distinct odor noted by Judge McAfee goes beyond the sorted affairs of Willis and Wade.

For many citizens, mendacity, or dishonesty, is wafting from various courtrooms around the country. The odor is becoming intolerable for many Americans as selective prosecution is being raised in a wide array of cases. …

In New York, the legislature changed the statute of limitations to allow Trump to be sued while New York Attorney General Letitia James [one of the 75 pro-criminal prosecutors bankrolled by George Soros to the tune of $40 million] effectively ran on a pledge of selectively prosecuting him. She never specified any particular crime, just promising to bag Trump.

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Now watching the demise of the culture over the last quarter century are the millennials (born between 1981 and 1996), the first generation in American history to be immersed from birth into a coherently antibiblical system and culture. It’s likely to get worse before it gets better. This is the reason we’re thankful, because men and women of Issachar have begun moving into the public square, interrupting American Christendom’s century-long slumber.

Compound the slumbering with a heretical eschatology—that what sanctions and allows the ruin of culture as the remnant is raptured from the chaos by pretribulation apathy—and is it any wonder that culture has become the public manifestation of the false religion lording over America?

As to the clear and present danger, Chairman of the Claremont Institute Tom Klingenstein explains that conservatives are just now waking up to the danger that the administrative state poses—thanks “in large part to the first-hand experience of bureaucratic tyranny that COVID-19 provided to the average citizen.” He goes on to clarify that the “destruction of the separation of powers was a feature, not a bug, of the progressive movement.”

This is where Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ proposal during his presidential campaign for decentralization of the federal government comes in. He argued effectively for the annulment of four federal agencies: the Departments of Education, Commerce, Energy and the IRS.

“Too much power has accumulated in D.C.,” DeSantis told the New York Post. “The result is a detached administrative state that rules over us and imposes its will on us. While there are a host of things that need to be done to reconstitutionalize government, parceling out federal agencies to other parts of the country could help reduce the negative effects of this accumulation of power.”

We offer a hearty amen and recommend relocation of the Department of Agriculture to Des Moines, of HUD to San Francisco, of Labor to Detroit and of Transportation to Oklahoma City. Only the Big Four—State, War, Treasury and Justice—should be kept in Washington, D.C.

As to the spiritual side of this, Peter Jones (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary) wrote in his excellent “The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat”: “I can only imagine what God will do with a rising generation of Christian millennials trained to think ‘antithetically’ or Twoistically, as did the Apostle Paul and the early Christians who, in spite of being a small minority in a hostile pagan empire, turned it upside down for the glory of Jesus Christ.”

Despite being such a small minority in a hostile pagan empire, Gideons and Rahabs have begun to stand.{eoa}

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