Renewing America

The Founding Fathers may have been on to something.

Why the House Needs a Spiritual Leader

Renewing America

Last week, I wrote these words to 100,000 evangelical pastors: “The resignation of John Boehner, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, creates an opportunity for evangelical pastors to seek a divine perspective on the nation. Placing a spiritual man as the next Speaker of the House should be a matter of intense prayer by

Doritos has launched a rainbow chip to support the LGBTQ agenda.

Chipping Away at America’s Foundation

Renewing America

Frito-Lay, the snack food division owned by parent company PepsiCo, recently announced a partnership with the “It Gets Better” project, a 501(c)3 nonprofit LGBT advocacy group founded by anti-Christian bully Dan Savage. How can a potato or corn chip give support to a political or cultural cause? Good question. As a symbolic act of solidarity

Supreme Court

Biblical Ignorance Has Taken Its Toll

Renewing America

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on the homosexual marriage case on June 29. A pro-homosexual marriage opinion by the Justices will be an easy decision to disobey for Christians. The choice is obedience to Christ or obedience to the state.  Since the law has been drained of all truth by judicial secularists and relativists, what is

American flag

We’re Only Endangering Ourselves by Doing This

Renewing America

In his best-selling biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas writes: “On January 30, 1933, at noon, Adolf Hitler became the democratically elected chancellor of Germany. The land of Goethe, Schiller, and Bach would now be led by someone who consorted with crazies and criminals, who was often seen carrying a dog whip in public. The Third

Secular Republicans who impose so-called homosexual marriage on the nation in 2015 will have the exact same effect on the Republican Party that slavery had on the Whig Party in 1852—it will collapse.

Don’t Be Deceived: Secular Republicans Don’t Carry Reagan’s Values

Renewing America

Secular Republicans are disingenuous. Although they proudly call themselves “Reagan conservatives” while in public service, in reality they embrace very little of Reagan’s values. But this is to be expected. Secularism lacks an ethical basis—no foundation—and in particular, it has no religious basis. William Berriman, an English theologian from the 18th century, wrote: “It is

We need pastors to stand up and pray for mercy.

Are We Opening the Door to a Holocaust in America?

Renewing America

Secularism dismisses Christianity as a cultural relic, “A primitive form of knowledge, a consolation for the weak-minded.”1 Not only is this off-target, it’s dangerous. The notion that the State can impart virtue is absurdly false. America’s Founders created a new form of government distinctly rooted in biblical principles. An exceptional people, seeped in biblical thought, biblical values,

Islamic State fighters walk 21 Coptic Christians to their execution spot.

Terror and Fear: The Largest Denominations of Islam’s Currency

Renewing America

ISIS apparently chose the tallest butchers for the photo-op, to project intense fear and horror to their targeted audience: America, The Great Satan. The Philistines were the ISIS of the Gaza Strip in 1000 B.C. Their champion, 9-foot-6 Goliath of Gath, daily summoned, “‘Why are you all coming out to fight? … I am the

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich Tells the Truth About Islam

Renewing America

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich gave the finest speech of this young century on the threat to America by militant Islam at Congressman Steve King’s Iowa Summit over weekend. As to be expected, the secular media intelligentsia ignored Gingrich’s omen when he said: “There is one common pattern occurring everywhere across the planet and that is radical

Has the Supreme Court invented their own theology to defend their decisions?

The Idol of Secularism Must be Toppled

Renewing America

The secular U.S. Supreme Court invented their own theology and religion in 1963, in an 8-1 decision, which unleashed on America a malignant, evil religion: Secularism. It has borne much fruit: “The distinctiveness of marriage has been abolished (Baird v. Eisenstadt); prayer and Bible reading in schools has been stamped out (Abington, Schemp, et al.); the mother’s womb

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

Gov. Bobby Jindal Confronts Radical Islam Head On

Renewing America

Although it’s late, Christians had better acknowledge and face danger head-on, for we have no armor to cover our backs in retreat. A two-edged sword has been left for our offense, backed by the weapons that move heaven: prayer and tears. Yet, where are the Christian men and women who “groan” (Ps. 55:2) over our

Capitol building washington dc

Congress Needs to Grow a Spine and Restore Checks and Balances

Renewing America

In 1607 Jamestown founder Robert Hunt began to set down America’s foundation with these words:  “We do hereby Dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all

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