Renewing America

The Mayflower Compact

God Can Change America

Renewing America

We hosted The Response last Saturday in Cleveland, a fasting and prayer event to Jesus. No book sales, no DVD sales, and no concession stand sales: simply fasting and prayer, asking God for mercy for what we, Christians, have allowed in America, a once Christian nation. “We’re here [in Cleveland], this is not political, there’s no politics at all going on, it’s strictly […]

Hillary Clinton

The Fall of Leaders in the Church

Renewing America

“The fall of leaders in the church is not always a tragedy; it may well be a sign of God’s work to renew in His people. The hardening that we see toward the word of God in some of the mainline churches (e.g., acceptance of sodomy and abortion) may be a cause for rejoicing; God

Hands in Prayer

How America Is Following Nazi Tactics to Eradicate Christians

Renewing America

Seularism and Christianity—like National Socialism and Christianity in Germany 1930—are irreconcilable. There will be no reconciliation of immutable, competing religions and worldviews; someone’s worldview and values are going to reign supreme. Adolf Hitler recognized the battle, “One day we want to be in a position where only complete idiots stand in the pulpit and preach to

San Francisco Police Officer

These Are the ‘Hidden Costs’ of Christian Disengagement

Renewing America

Rob McCoy, Pastor of Calvary Chapel and the newest City Councilman for Thousand Oaks, California, tells the story of his idyllic upbringing in Coronado, California. Ronald Reagan served as Governor, and the state possessed the fifth largest GDP in the world. California was a pro-family, low-tax state, and led the nation in innovation and public

Eric Cantor

The Audience Controls the Stage

Renewing America

In 2014, Eric Cantor became the first House Majority Leader in history to lose a congressional seat in a primary. And yet, apparently the loss did not teach him a solitary thing. Cantor recently said: “They [social and fiscal conservatives] want quick fixes and bold moves. They want Hail Mary passes, when the real business

LGBT Protester

America Is in a State of Spiritual Crisis

Renewing America

In a recent essay, Harvard Law Professor Mark Tushnet boastfully opined: “For liberals, the question now is how to deal with the losers in the culture wars. That’s mostly a question of tactics. My own judgment is that taking a hard line (“You lost, live with it”) is better than trying to accommodate the losers,


Evangelicals Still Have the Power to Turn Elections

Renewing America

“Conservative Christians in America are undergoing a huge shift in the way we see ourselves in the world,” Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Dr. Albert Mohler said. “We are on the losing side of a massive change that’s not going to be reversed, in all likelihood, in our lifetimes.’” There is a reason for this.

David in the Wilderness

The ‘Wilderness Years’ in American History

Renewing America

Like growing fruits and vegetables, producing sustainable freedom takes more work than simply throwing seeds in the ground and watering. Planning and preparing a site for a new orchard begins two to three years ahead of planting. M. Stanton Evans observed in The Theme Is Freedom, “If we want to grow orchids instead of weeds,

Protester and Riot Police

America’s Problems Are of Our Own Making

Renewing America

Which ingredient poured into the foundation did America’s Founders consider crucial for sustainable freedom? One such man you may have heard gives us the answer: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”—George Washington. John Adams, Washington’s colleague and our nation’s second president, said, “It is

Christians Silenced

Liberty Requires Wisdom

Renewing America

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times called into question whether or not boycotting a state over a social issue would hurt the state’s economy. An economist quoted in the piece said, “Boycotts can help frame the image of an economy or a region. Image framing and [public relations] really does have an impact,

In God We Trust

If We Bow Down and Honor God, He Will Raise Us Up

Renewing America

To the watching world, Americans hold God’s name in contempt. Our official motto, “In God We Trust,” testifies of a piety we no longer practice. When God looks for faith, what will he find? Secularism, a strange god of lifeless lips and unkept promises, expedited the collapse of the vision and mission of America’s Christian

Transgender Bathroom

What Do You Think the Founders Would Say?

Renewing America

Daniel Horowitz wrote in Conservative Review this week: “There are times in history when American patriots need to call a time out and bring all hands on deck to deal with a raging fire. We are now living through one of those times. Imagine if a prophet were to approach Sam Adams before the revolution

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