Prophecy: ‘Brazil, My Presence Is About to Hit Your Nation’


Recently, I was taken into a vision with the Lord. He looked at me and then pointed to a map. There I saw the country of Brazil highlighted.

Then I heard Him say the following things:

“Brazil, Brazil, My presence is about to hit your nation in an unprecedented amount. Look for my oil to pour out.”

Just then, I saw a place where there was a large waterfall. I believe the Lord is about to release His healing oil, and there will be a hot spot in the country of Brazil located near a large waterfall- where prayer, worship, prophecy, healing and an apostolic ministry center will join together in one flow. This hot spot will carry an anointing on it similar to the woman found in the Bible in Matthew 26, who broke her alabaster vial of costly perfume and lavishly poured it on Jesus. (Matt. 26:6-13). As people gather to lavishly pour out their worship and prayer in this location, Jesus will lavishly pour back His healing presence.

Then I heard Him say, “The corrupt will be set straight.” As He said this, I saw a picture of a giant building or tower. On it was written the words “capitalism,” and I watched it crumble. The spirit of capitalism is about to be demolished in your nation, Brazil. An economic shift will occur where the gap between the rich and poor will decrease.

Last, I heard the Lord say, “Fathers, it’s your time to rise up.” I believe in this hour, natural and also spiritual fathers will rise up over the nation of Brazil. For the nation to shift toward what the Lord wants, fathers, you are needed! The spirit of adoption is about to hit Brazil in a way it never has before. As fathers step into their roles, the destiny of the country of Brazil will be set into motion.

Brazil, a huge shift is coming! {eoa}

Ana Werner is the author of The Seer’s Path, and also the associate director of the Heartland Healing Rooms in Lees Summit, Missouri. Ana travels and equips people internationally on seeing in the Spirit, moving in the prophetic, and healing ministry. Her transparency as she shares on the realities and experiences she has in heaven, bring Holy Spirit, the love of the Father and the power of God into the room when she speaks. Ana is passionate about leading people into encountering Jesus’ heart. Learn more about Ana’s ministry at


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