
2023 7 Reuters Joe Biden Yell CN

Recent Actions Endanger Israel and US, 157 Christian Leaders Warn Biden

Standing With Israel

By American Christian Leaders for Israel One hundred fifty-seven Christian leaders, including Gary Bauer, Troy Miller, Juan Rivera and Star Parker, united under the banner of American Christian Leaders for Israel to write a letter expressing disappointment with recent actions taken by the Biden administration regarding Israel and warning him that these actions will embolden […]

Curtis Israel Iran YT

Prophetic Alert: Are These Israel’s Darkest Hours?

Standing With Israel

By Gary Curtis This is part one of a two-part article. Watch for part two, coming soon to charismanews.com. Many believe Israel is now in its darkest hour since its War of Independence against five invading Arab armies concluded in March 1949. It seems the world is increasingly turning against the land and its people.

Mattera awakening Pixabay

10 Factors Hindering a National Awakening

The Pulse

By Joseph Mattera Christians everywhere pray for a national awakening that will preserve and revive their nation. However, an awakening does not come simply because people hope and pray for it. Before a nation experiences a spiritual awakening, certain preconditions must occur.  By “awakening,” I am referring to masses of people in a community, city

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Christian World, Now Is Your Time to Denounce Antisemitism

In the Line of Fire

As followers of Jesus we are often grieved over the compromise and cowardice of previous generations of American Christians. With righteous indignation, we say, “Had I lived in the days of slavery or segregation, I would have taken a stand. I would have spoken up!” In the same way, we decry the compromise and cowardice

Brown NOW FB

NOW Would Leave Even Karl Marx Scratching His Head 

In the Line of Fire

About 40 years ago, I saw an ad on Christian TV promoting a new translation of the Bible. It depicted King James as he was presented with a copy of the new translation bearing his name in 1611. Turning to one passage, the king read the words, “with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward”

Monster truck, fireworks and more at the 2024 Stronger Men's Conference

Driscoll, Lindell Megachurch Confrontation Sparks Controversy

In the Line of Fire

I arrived at my radio studio Monday to learn that social media sites were blowing up over the latest controversy involving Pastor Mark Driscoll. He had publicly called out the performance of a sword-swallowing acrobat as demonic without talking to the pastor first. The pastor, in turn, then called out Driscoll in midstream, shutting down

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20 Reasons We’re Saying No to ‘4 More Years’

Here's the Deal

On the wall of my study, I have a letter from one legendary leader who had a major influence on my life, Chuck Colson. It hangs above an autographed picture from President Ronald Reagan. Colson was a champion in evangelical Christianity, founder of Prison Fellowship and former White House hatchet man before he converted to

Netanyahu speaking, a flag of Israel on each side.

How Will Israel Retaliate Against Iran?

In the Line of Fire

As expected, in retaliation for Israel’s killing of a top Iranian general and seven other senior military leaders on April 1, all of whom were suspected of having Israeli blood on their hands, Iran struck back on Saturday night, launching roughly 350 drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles on Israel. This marked the first time

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