Category: Opinion

  • Understanding Pentecost

    Fifty days after leaving Egypt, the Israelites gathered at Mt. Sinai to hear God proclaim the Torah or Law to them. The sight was awesome and provoked considerable fear in the hearts of all those gathered there, so much so that they asked Moses to speak with God on their behalf (Exodus 19:10-25; 20:18-21). The…

  • Jewish Facilities Target of Terror Plot in New York

    The four men arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to bomb a Jewish community center and a synagogue in Bronx, New York, have been charged with “conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction in the United States” and “conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles,” CNN reported. According to a criminal complaint filed in White Plains,…

  • How to Plan Your Own Ultimate Israel Pilgrimage

    What if it were possible to travel back in time to ancient Jerusalem, where Jesus made His triumphal entry into the city? Or to take Holy Communion in the Garden Tomb where Christ was once buried? For many Christians, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land is only a dream. But it doesn’t have to be!…

  • Do the Palestinians Deserve a State?

    Do the Palestinians Deserve a State?

    Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just had his first meeting with President Barack Obama. The two Obama issues, however, are non-issues for the Netanyahu government: talking to Iran and a fast track toward a Palestinian state. The Obama government is trying to make things move in the Middle East and there are fears this…

  • America’s Future Hangs in the Balance

    America’s Future Hangs in the Balance

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for one hour on Monday to discuss mutual concerns for their respective nations. Their private meeting went 30 minutes longer than planned. Then, top advisors joined both men for another hour of talks. Finally, reporters were invited in for a half hour question and answer session.…

  • Journey to the Holy Land: Meeting God on the Mountain

    I thought we would retrace the footsteps of Moses to Mt. Sinai. Instead, God molded 14 men from all walks of life into a church and taught me lessons about myself. Somehow it seemed impossible-retracing Moses’ footsteps in the desert in nine days when it took the children of Israel 40 years. When I was first…

  • Eye on Israel: Israel’s Independence

    On our calendar May 14 is the date of Israel’s independence. The Israelis celebrate their Independence Day on the 5th day of their month Iyar, which was April 29 this year because they go by the Jewish calendar. Thirty years ago today I was in Israel when the country celebrated its 31st anniversary. Jamie Buckingham, 12 other Americans and I went to…

  • Pope Calls for ‘Sovereign’ Palestinian State in Bethlehem Tour

    Continuing his week-long pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday called for a “sovereign Palestinian homeland” and identified with Palestinian “suffering” during a one-day visit to Bethlehem and other parts of the West Bank. The pontiff stood alongside Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as he delivered his strongest public support yet for…

  • New Film Exposes Growth of Radical Islam on American Soil

    New Film Exposes Growth of Radical Islam on American Soil

    The Clarion Fund released its newest documentary film, The Third Jihad, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. this week. The film is igniting discussion about radical Islam in America. Clarion’s first documentary film, the award-winning Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, communicates the global threat posed by the radical elements of Islam.…

  • God’s Plan for Israel

    God’s Plan for Israel

    The Bible lays out the plan of God—from creation through the millennium. You and I are in that plan, somewhere along the Creator’s timeline. Jesus said that to determine where we are, we should watch the fig tree—Israel (see Luke 21:29-32). Of course believers should study God’s Word for their individual lives. But they also…

  • Jerusalem’s Future

    Jerusalem’s Future

    I love Jerusalem! I love it because it’s a beautiful city and because it is where Messiah taught, laid down His life for the sins of mankind, and was resurrected, triumphing over death. It is the city of the great kings David and Solomon, and the place where the prophets and other great Bible heroes…

  • Users Visit Holy Land on Facebook

    In an effort to help Internet users discover Israel’s holy places and modern sites, the Consulate General of Israel in New York has released a Facebook application of the Holy Land. Holy Land Trivia: From Creation to Creativity, offers a pictorial encounter with many significant places in Israel, and gives users the opportunity to share…