

Cry Out for Israel

Standing With Israel

I was privileged beside him on a flight home from Israel last year—that is, with the obligatory empty seat separating us. Jewish tradition holds that a rabbi is forbidden to sit next to a woman. I asked him his name. He smiled and answered, “Gavriel.” What a passionate young rabbi he was! We freely discussed […]

Terrorism in Israel

Standing With Israel

Yonatan Eldar was barely 16 years old, but he chanted from the Torah (the biblical scrolls) beautifully on that Sabbath day in March, in the ancient melodic tradition that so many religious Jews continue to this day. I remember seeing his smiling face beaming with pride as the older congregants congratulated him warmly.

The Eldar family lives around the corner from us in Shiloh, Israel, on a street that could be called Terror Victims’ Row due to the high concentration of child terror victims who lived there.

10 Ways to Bless Israel

Standing With Israel

Many Christians have a love for Israel and are eager to visit the nation. But often their dreams don’t stretch beyond touring the sites that have biblical significance for both Jews and Christians and perhaps taking photographs of them. However, there are numerous ways visitors can be a blessing to Israel, interact with the people and leave something of themselves behind when they travel there. Here are 10 of them.

Healing Hands at Hadassah

Standing With Israel

While I was in Israel in late March, I took time away from my tour schedule to visit Hadassah Medical Center. I’m glad I did. Hadassah was founded in 1918 and is the second largest employer in Jerusalem. But what impressed me the most were the stories I heard about the hospital long before I arrived in Israel.


Fighting for the Soul of America

Standing With Israel

Last weekend America celebrated Memorial Day as a time to honor all military personnel who have given the last full measure of devotion for the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, America is at war! We are at war with a radical religious element of Islam that feels they have a mandate from their god (Allah) to kill Christians and Jews.

I feel America is in the greatest danger as a nation that we have known since 1776. The elements that led to the attack on Pearl Harbor are all alive and well in Washington, D.C. and the nation.

Understanding Pentecost

Standing With Israel

Fifty days after leaving Egypt, the Israelites gathered at Mt. Sinai to hear God proclaim the Torah or Law to them. The sight was awesome and provoked considerable fear in the hearts of all those gathered there, so much so that they asked Moses to speak with God on their behalf (Exodus 19:10-25; 20:18-21).

The lessons for us are clear:

Jewish Facilities Target of Terror Plot in New York

Standing With Israel

The four men arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to bomb a Jewish community center and a synagogue in Bronx, New York, have been charged with “conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction in the United States” and “conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles,” CNN reported.

According to a criminal complaint filed in White Plains, New York, U.S. citizen David Williams, James Cromitie, Onta Williams, and Laguerre Payen from Haiti, met with an undercover FBI informant to get what they thought were actual weapons. The men alledgedly planned to blow up two Jewish facilities and use surface-to-air missles to shoot down U.S. military planes.

How to Plan Your Own Ultimate Israel Pilgrimage

Standing With Israel

What if it were possible to travel back in time to ancient Jerusalem, where Jesus made His triumphal entry into the city? Or to take Holy Communion in the Garden Tomb where Christ was once buried? For many Christians, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land is only a dream.

But it doesn’t have to be! With the economy forcing some airline companies to lower prices, consumers like you and me are reaping the benefits.


Do the Palestinians Deserve a State?

Standing With Israel

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just had his first meeting with President Barack Obama. The two Obama issues, however, are non-issues for the Netanyahu government: talking to Iran and a fast track toward a Palestinian state.

The Obama government is trying to make things move in the Middle East and there are fears this will come at Israel’s expense – even if it means bringing down Netanyahu’s government.


America’s Future Hangs in the Balance

Standing With Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for one hour on Monday to discuss mutual concerns for their respective nations.

Their private meeting went 30 minutes longer than planned. Then, top advisors joined both men for another hour of talks. Finally, reporters were invited in for a half hour question and answer session. Their time together ended with the prime minister, the president and their staffs having lunch in the “old family dining room.”

I know that both nations will do their best to put their best “spin” on this historic meeting calling it productive. However, the spokesman on ABC television made a stark and truthful comment when he said, “This is the parting of the ways of this administration and the Israeli government.”

Journey to the Holy Land: Meeting God on the Mountain

Standing With Israel

I thought we would retrace the footsteps of Moses to Mt. Sinai. Instead, God molded 14 men from all walks of life into a church and taught me lessons about myself. Somehow it seemed impossible-retracing Moses’ footsteps in the desert in nine days when it took the children of Israel 40 years. When I was first

Eye on Israel: Israel’s Independence

Standing With Israel

On our calendar May 14 is the date of Israel’s independence. The Israelis celebrate their Independence Day on the 5th day of their month Iyar, which was April 29 this year because they go by the Jewish calendar. Thirty years ago today I was in Israel when the country celebrated its 31st anniversary. Jamie Buckingham, 12 other Americans and I went to

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