Message to Progressive Leftists: Stop Trying to Leverage Black Women for Evil

2022 7 McGary black women

The United States Supreme Court’s ruling correcting federal law by returning the issue of abortion back to the states has prompted progressive leftists to focus on leveraging Black women in their actions and agitations.

If Black women confirmed that the KKK wanted them to abort their babies, they’d double down on having as many babies as possible in revolt. If Black women confirmed evil racists wanted to exterminate their race via targeting them for abortion, they would reject and denounce abortions. If Black women confirmed abortion was specifically concocted to enshrine and uphold White supremacy, they would reject it altogether. It’s time to tell Black women historical facts and truth instead of purposeful attempts to use and manipulate them for evil.

Generally speaking, Black women are strong, determined and loyal to causes they deem worthy. While these attributes are also found in other demographics, Black women are viewed and targeted as a significant monolith segment within the leftist/progressive universe. And since they make up a substantial percentage of their audience, contrived manipulation and deceptions are continuously targeted toward this group. The most grotesque deceptions used to manipulate this group are purposeful omissions.

There is a reason why progressives omit the fact that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a frequent speaker and contributor to the women’s Ku Klux Klan and started her clinics to “exterminate the Negro population” (her exact words). If Black girls had been learning this as a great example of systemic racism in school over the decades (since Roe), Black women would utterly reject abortion today. From the leftist/progressive point of view, this omission is necessary to continue to manipulate Black women regarding abortion, and is weaponized against Black women.

There is a reason why progressives omit the fact that Black communities are disproportionately targeted for abortions. Suppose Black women realized that up to 90% of the strategically placed “abortuaries” (abortion clinics) are within walking distance of Black communities. In comparison, Blacks make up only 13% of the population, and Black women of childbearing age only approximately 3.5%. Strategic targeting of Black preborn babies (via abortion) translates to the fact that even with significant demographic and population differences, approximately 40% of all babies aborted are Black!

If Black women were apprised of these facts, they would see this as what it is—hateful, racist targeting of the Black community—and would almost universally reject abortions. From the leftist/progressive point of view, it is necessary to omit and withhold these facts in order to continue to manipulate, brainwash and disempower Black women.

Progressives also omit the fact that abortion was born out of eugenics, which means “well-born.” The founders of eugenics, Charles Darwin and his half-cousin Francis Galton, were racists determined to protect the supremacy of the White/Aryan race (whom they deemed “well-born”). They concocted eugenics as a scheme to provide “scientific justification” for the extermination of other ethnicities. They didn’t want any other races to taint their “pure” Caucasian gene pool.

These facts are notable and inconvenient—Black women would detest this motive and scheme of “White supremacy” and would reject abortions if they knew, so leftist progressives omit! Since Black women are an influential segment of their political and activist base, they need to keep them trapped in false narratives and focused on race agitation against White supremacy.

Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) stands against all racism and White supremacy wherever it exists. That said, we call out the reprobate teachers for purposely omitting the confirmed racist/White supremacist machinations of Darwin.

We call out leftist progressives for purposely omitting the truth about the racism behind abortion and its pioneer, Margaret Sanger. We call out all politicians who, knowing its eugenic roots, still firmly support and embrace abortion. All these factions are definitively against Black life and the well-being of Black women. “We see you,” and we denounce and reject you!

EBLM embraces the dignity of life and, by providing historical facts and truth, demands dignity and respect for every woman—especially Black women, since they’re specifically targeted for manipulation. Will you stand with us as we confront abusive manipulators and help ensure Black women are no longer used as mere tools to help leftist/progressive causes? The facts confirm that all those who knowingly support abortion and its racist history are themselves racists! From the highest authority in the country (the White House) to political parties and individual politicians, educators and media/entertainment personalities to community organizations, all who support the racism of abortion must be held to account.

It’s a binary choice: Renounce and denounce the racism and White supremacy of abortion, or embrace it with full racist vigor. Either way, stop the continued deceptions directed at Black women to perpetuate support of racist causes that undermine and are antithetical to the morals and values of our community.

EBLM demands that the leveraging of Black women for evil must stop. “We see you!” {eoa}

Kevin McGary is an entrepreneur, author and keynote speaker. He serves as president of Every Black Life Matters, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, and is an executive with the Douglass Leadership Institute and the Northstar Leadership PAC. As a professional, Kevin has worked the past 35 years in information technology expertise: cybersecurity, enterprise applications, application development automation and enterprise job scheduling/utilities. Committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today’s sociopolitical issues, and with the assistance of elected officials and a myriad of community activists, he lectures and provides workshops about today’s most perplexing issues.

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